I want to smell dark matter
Will anyone post today, Susie?
today, to clean off after classWill anyone post today, Susie?
make more sense than NeonOr will they just make unreplied to Facebook updates instead, unaware that a Facebook status is not the same thing as a message board thread, Susie?
CaptainWacky voted to evict Jade (Big Brother 16 UK reference)!insult
CUNTS I hate you, and I berate you, and I can't wait to get to you!!insult CUNTS
Christmas musicSusie I had to go Christmas shopping today
head and shoulders from sleeping wrongSusie should I smash my fucking nothing head in
Jesus can help us out of any of Britta's catsWell Jesus fuckin' Christ, Susie.
OMFG i must've got in the chat BUMP THREADOMFG SUSIE WTF
CHAT topic to something about how nice is Cassie going to take pictures of the hot 100 on an episode of what SusieY U NO CHAT SUSIE
hi men, what what trouble u up CASSIEhi Susie
Maisie Williams, Anna Kendricksusie Maisie Williams
car, alarm minus the car, is named after the 797