I want to smell dark matter
Susie it's an impossible situation
what's the most derivative thing ever THAT'S FOR the bestsusie what am i going to do
impossible to go on a buzz, saw home, putting e, putting is 8Susie it's an impossible situation
from home really helped this episodeSusie why do I expect answers from you?
nine is a mathematicianSusie why does'nt Menty just fucking post here it's been nine months for fuck's sake
year, ago I LEAVING, even, even though it sounded retardedI'm not going to get to 150,000 by the end of the year, Susie
will now have to wear my vintage dress backAnd Menty will never post agian, Susie. Never.
it's potSusie it's over
hope he eats Hob Knobshope has died, Susie
Claptrap pressure group that it gets old after years awaySusie Claptrap
gon' SLEEP AND you can trySusie X gon' give it to ya
morning at my mom's and change my nick to MooGoo on TKWROTE A SONG, SUSIE! JUST FOR YOU!
Smells a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Yes, a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Smells a bit like jizm
Just a bit like jizm
Smells a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Well, I went to da porno show
Just to see dem titties, you know
Well, when I got back
Me 'and went on the attack
Smells a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Smells a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Yes, a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Smells a bit like jizm
Just a bit like jizm
Smells a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Well, da morning commute is a bitch
Unless a bus overturns in da ditch
De's no helpin' dead nuns
Jus' stuff ya meat in they buns
Smells a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Smells a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Yes, a bit like jizm in 'eah!
Smells a bit like jizm
Just a bit like jizm
Smells a bit like jizm in 'eah!