I want to smell dark matter
And yet i still manage to get last reply in 38 threads because I can never stop, Susie.
reply, the thong highwayAnd yet i still manage to get last reply in 38 threads because I can never stop, Susie.
ready for the worst peopleHI SUSIE
I tried shoveling shit in the garden today, I am not ready for shit shoveling.
people irl, tooSusie should I use the worst people to fertilize my garden?
just me thenSusie I only just now got the new sparkly Riker banner
week, DC UTE on got a song randomly implanted in my headRiker week is over though, Susie
BANNER, that read, cooked and was going onTIME FOR THE SAINT PATRICK'S DAY BANNER, SUSIE
FOREVER Twitter AfterSusie I hope the MF LIVES FOREVER
will read it anyway because it's TIMEbut will it, Susie? WILL IT?
time, let's TALKIt's time to fart, Susie. Bring me a quart of baked beans, a bowl of sauerkraut, and a quart of milk.