I want to smell dark matter
Susie will Tomorrow be the day Menty returns to us all at last?
Tomorrow we must discuss corporate personhoodSusie will Tomorrow be the day Menty returns to us all at last?
chips is the heir and he's clearly gaySusie do you prefer crisps & chips or chips & fries
gaydar? like nobody's businessSusie do you have gaydar?
like in Star Trek VI like it when Susie's reply makes sense!
Mine'S BIGGERSusie is the Mine Field DEAD again?
should leave their pants on fireSusie should I go out and get plastered and sing showtunes tonight? Or should I do it tomorrow night? Or BOTH?
DEAD people have better opinions then DualSUSIE DEAD BABIEs
you're funding the Sky at Night so lateSusie you're SASSY!