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Sweet Image captures from ROTS


Staff member
ROTS just blows me away, especially on a technological level, this thread is for some of the better screen caps I have made from this fucking awesome movie.

Still images show the detail of individual shots off better than live action in many instances because the information on screen flits by so quick.

First off is this capture:


More later
Actually menty, I've read some of your opinions and I respect your judgment.

I have to say, as a star wars fan since the age of 3, I've been left significantly underwhelmed by the prequel trilogy.

I remember when TPM came out in 1999, I was one of the few defending it against a barrage of criticism. 'It's new' 'he's trying something different' I remember telling my friends. 'he's saving the good stuff up'. etc...

looking back, now that the PT is over, all I feel is a sense of disappointment. I agree, ROTS was the best of the PT, but it had to be really. I still think, that despite some good stuff, ROTS and the PT in general was severly lacking in many ways.

I think the saddest part is that it COULD and SHOULD have been so much better...

ah well, we'll always have the originals ;)

CaptainWacky said:


so, you're not as enthusiastic about the PT as menty, are you?

I actually believe that the star wars PT is one instance in which studio involvement may well have been a bonus - to keep lucas's megolamania in check.

maybe that's too strong a word - but I do feel that Lucas was probably surrounded by sychophants who would never dare tell him that : 'hey, george, this dialogue actually sucks...'

and also his continually bizarre diktat that star wars is ONLY for kids, was...way off the mark, to say the least.

also, I never understood ROTJ bashers - for me it was the best possible ending to the trilogy, when it could have been SO much worse...
^It was tongue in cheek, I liked ROTS a great deal but I'll post more tomorrow as I'm going to bed and need to shite (before I go to bed.)

Well, I actually agree with you. The prequels are not a match for the OT in any way. That said, they do offer depth to the OT which makes the movies more enjoyable after all these years of watching them repeatedly since childhood.

When and if I have kids they will not be watching the movies in thier intended order. I will make them watch the OT first because I think thats how it should be.

TPM is at the end of the day a dissapointment on some levels. Its true. I still enjoy it and it was the first SW movie I saw at the cinema on worldwide release (I saw the OT SE before).

The thing that pains me so much about TPM is that it had this movie of possible sheer brilliance begging to be let out. There are moments of sheer seat-of-your-pants greatness in TPM. The duel with Maul for instance is still one of my favourite all time movie moments. Unfourtunatly it is bogged down with useless fluff. If you watch the Maul duel you see it is inter-cut with the gungan battle. It seriously did not pull off.

Lucas had the clue at least to cut Duel of the Fates in ROTS with another awesome battle, namely Palps and Yoda.

The Phantom Edit shows another side of the movie. Obviously you're stuck with the source material but it showed that you can basically make TPM a better movie by cutting 25 minutes from it. Thats just not right. Those twenty minutes could have been made into something really special, Jar Jar could have been toned down and we would have ended up with a fantastic movie. It is a real shame.

And Jar Jar. Terribly annoying, but why? - Because he was just a klutz. he wasn't even unlikable (bear with me), he was just overused and had no redeeming moment. The end battle could have showed him being brave and gallant but instead we got more slapstick. It was a mistake. I'm one of those people that doesn't believe the total ommision of Jar Jar was needed, he could and should have been a decent character.

AOTC is flawed in many places but I can't help loving it. I was deeply involved with the run up to this movie online. I was a steady and frequent poster at TFN and the build up to AOTC was very enjoyable. When those Trailers were released I was geeking out..

On opening night I went I was rushing hard and I wasn't dissapointed. I loved the whole thing. On reflection and having rewatched it many times the cracks start to appear and it does fall short in some areas. That said it was better than TPM, but the TPM should and could of been better than what we got with AOTC, if you follow me.

ROTS is a great movie. As you said it had to be really. This was it, this is what its all been about and for me at least it didn't dissapoint. I have gone into detail on many occasions about why ROTS is a winner so I will refrain this time.

To sum up: the Prequels are flawed masterpieces that fall short. People say the acting wasn't really that good in the OT but I totally dissagree. Fisher, Ford and Hamill all did great acting jobs, IMO. This wasn't ultimatley the case in the Prequels. I think that the best acting in the prequels has to go to McGregor, Mcdiarmid and Neeson.

Lucas will always be one fo my favourite film makers and I have no hesitation in calling him a genius. Did he lose his way a little? Yes, but he also invented Star Wars and that aint no mean feat.

Empire will forever be my favourite movie from the bunch but I can quiter happily live with the Prequels, I just wish Lucas had realised what was happening during TPM and fixed it. It should have been hailed as the second coming of Star Wars but it just got panned instead. though there are many reasons out of Lucas's control as to why that happened.

That said, it still blows the socks off of most movies today.
also, I never understood ROTJ bashers - for me it was the best possible ending to the trilogy, when it could have been SO much worse...

I assume you're talking about the final duke out with Vader as opposed to the teddy bear picnic. Again, I agree. I was a little thrown by some of Mark's thrashing about with the saber, it didn't look quite right, but yes, that end scene is quite fantastic. It doesn't have quite the same punch as the duel in Empire but I don't think its actually humanly possible to top that, so its not a big deal.

I love ROTJ. I love all the SW movies actually and I only compare them too each other. Comparing SW to anything else just isn't worthit because SW wins by default. (yes, I'm a total fanboy)

I didn't even hate the Ewoks, but the ending (original ending) is absymal. "yub yub" The SE ending is far better. It could of been better in more areas than ANH and ESB could have been but it was still totally awesome.
Well, I actually agree with you. The prequels are not a match for the OT in any way. That said they do offer depth to the OT which makes the movies more enjoyable after all these years of watching them repeatedly since childhood.

I gave up trying to explain how much star wars means to me ages ago. for someone like you and me, who grew up with them, no explanation is needed. I read your argument with jack with amusement - I wasn't alive when ANH was first released either, but I remember seeing it when I was 3 years old, and the rest is history...

TPM is at the end of the day a dissapointment. Its true. I still enjoy it and it was the first SW movie I saw at the cinema on worldwide release (I saw the OT SE before)

LOL! I remember skipping school and going to the first showing at my local multiplex wearing a darth maul t-shirt, - that's probably about the nerdiest I've ever been though, :P

Lucas had the clue at least to cut the Duel of the Fates in ROTS with another awesome battle, namely Palps and Yoda.

I agree that ROTS was spectacular in many ways, but personally, yoda yielding a sabre just kind of killed the mystery of his character. only my opinion of course...

The Phantom Edit shows another side of the movie. Obviously you're stuck with the source material but it showed that you can basically make TPM a better movie by cutting 20 minutes from it. Thats just not right. Those twenty minutes could have been made into something really special Jar Jar could have been toned down and we would have ended up with a fantastic movie. It is a real shame.

I don't have the DVD so I wouldn't know. I think jar jar was the first sign that lucas was somewhat out of touch with the fanbase.

ROTS is a great movie. As you said it had to be, really. This was it, this is what its all been about and for me at least it didn't dissapoint. I have gone into detail on many occasions about why ROTS is a winner so I will refrain this time.

well I have only seen it once so far. there was some great stuff - the opening clone wars battle was spectacular, the Godfatherian-style massacre of the jedi, and Anakin's transformation into Vader (although utterly ruined by the ' NOOOOOO!!)

I really, really wanted it to be the masterpiece that it should have been - but I still feel somewhat -deflated- with the whole PT looking back on it as a whole.

It only really works as a companion piece to the OT, when it should have been a 'force' in it's own right, as well as explaining the back story.

Lucas will always be one fo my favourite film makers and I have no hesitation in calling him a genius. Did he lose his way a little? Yes, but he also invented Star Wars and that no mean feat.

absolutely agree - many people bash him, but he invented STAR WARS FFS!! he inspireed the imagination of a generation.

Empire will forever be my favourite movie from the bunch

I think Empire is the best too, in many ways - the richest, - but I prefer to see the OT as one, long movie really, rather than seperate chapters. also, as I said before, I do have a soft spot for ROTJ. not only is the final death star assualt simply staggering, the end is also very powerful...

That said it still blows the socks off of most movies today


why have I spent so much time writing this in the MINEFIELD!!!! which will be spammed into oblivion in a day or two... :eek:
Mentalist said:
I assume you're talking about the final duke out with vader as opposed to the teddy bear picnic. Again I agree. I was a little thrown by some of Mark's thrashing about with the saber it didn't look quite right but yes, that end scene is quite fantastic. It doesn't have quite the same punch as the duel in Empire but I don't think its actually humanly possible to top that so its not a big deal.

I love ROTJ. I love all the SW movies actually and I only compare them too each other. Comparing SW to anything else just isn't worthit because SW wins by default (yes I'm a total fanboy)

I didn't even hate the Ewoks, but the ending (original ending) is absymal. The SE ending is far better. It could of been better in more areas than ANH and ESB could have been but it was still totally awesome.

The ewoks never bothered me much, but that's probably because I grew up watching them and wasn't as discerning as a kid as I would be now. I can see that they could be pretty nauesiating.

as far as ROTJ goes, I dig the jabba stuff - and the final 3-way battle (space, endor, sabre dual) just still blows me away. 'it's a trap!!!!' - star destroyers - FUCKIN AWSOME!!!

also, having vader repent and turn to the 'good' side before tragically dying in the arms of his son is practically shakesperian. think what it would have been like if luke had just killed vader and the emperor, and that's it? - in that way it was refreshingly different from that traditional 'good v. evil' resoltion of many stories of the same ilk.

I don't think Lucas deliberatly set out to 'twee' up the prequel trilogy, I just think he was misguided, a little out of touch, and lacking input from the other creative forces that helped mould the OT.
TMP: I liked it when I saw it at the cinema. Well, what I actually remember thinking was "that wasn't as bad as everyone said!" I went through a peroid of hating it but now I quite like it, probably about as much as AOTC. Jake Loyd still gets on my tits ("Yippeeeeee!") but Jar's hard to explain because I do hate him, but he's so annoying that he's actually NOT annoying. If that makes sense. Which it doesn't.

I enjoy the Pod Race (except for Greg Proopp's character, sorry Menty) and the lightsabre duel rocks teh box. Another thing I like is the feel of the movie, it is a kids movie but AT TIMES it captures the same sense of adventure as A New Hope, while not being anywhere near as good as that is of course.

AOTC: For a while I thought it was better, but I think it kind of lacks a story thread running through it. It does feel a bit like a sequence of events just kind of strung together until we get to the awesome last thirty minutes or so. The romantic scenes are terrible, yes, but I can buy Anakin being in love with Padme. It's why she likes him I still don't understand. But they are supposed to be young and awkward so maybe that's why they talk in such a cheesey way. And Natalie looked INCREDIBLE throughout the whole movie which helped a lot. Hey, Star Wars is a visual story!

ROTS: Love it. Better than Jedi. When Anakin and Obi-Wan are dueling and Yoda and Palps are rising up through the floor of the Senate and the Duel Of The Fates is playing that IS Star Wars. There are some small problems (the droids really do have annoying voices, but they did in the previous two movies too, not enough Padme) but they aren't huge ones like the bashers make out. And, honsestly, I think that some of the bashers missed some of the subleties of the prequels and turned them into reasons to bash...and who the FUCK cares if the Clones didn't wear Mandarian armour or whatever shit? And anyone who wants The Emporer to be a clone of Palps MISSED THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PREQUELS! It was all about Palpatine manipulating EVERYONE so that he would be in the position to become Emperor. Duh!

So, yeah, not as good as the originals, but still good. And they piss all over the Matrix trilogy!
But they are supposed to be young and awkward so maybe that's why they talk in such a cheesey way.

No, it's because Lucas can't write dialogue for shit...

And Natalie looked INCREDIBLE throughout the whole movie which helped a lot. Hey, Star Wars is a visual story!

yes, she did.

And, honsestly, I think that some of the bashers missed some of the subleties of the prequels and turned them into reasons to bash...and who the FUCK cares if the Clones didn't wear Mandarian armour or whatever shit? And anyone who wants The Emporer to be a clone of Palps MISSED THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PREQUELS! It was all about Palpatine manipulating EVERYONE so that he would be in the position to become Emperor. Duh!

believe me, I'm not someone who nitpicks about trivialities - I couldn't care less about why palpatine's face got that way - I only care about the bigger picture - and, personally, I think it's too early to proclaim ROTS as worthy of the OT, although it was without doubt the best of the PT.

So, yeah, not as good as the originals, but still good. And they piss all over the Matrix trilogy

I still haven't seen the 3rd matrix, but I hear i'm not missing much...
Is there ANY truth to the rumour that Lucas hated Portman and wanted Keira Knightley to play Padme in ROTS?