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Sweet Image captures from ROTS

Yeah. Everybody at school just sort of got out of toys--and into girls--around 12 or 13.

I still have all the original stuff from 1977-1982ish. Nostalgic fun, but the toys they make these days are far superior.
So, I bought the SW widescreen trilogy on dvd a few weeks ago. Well, I was watching ROTJ for the first time (it wasn't really my first time watching rotj, but my first time watching the dvd) and I noticed something. At the end, when Yoda and Obi-Wan's "force ghosts" show up at the Ewok party on Endor there stood ANAKIN. It wasn't just anakin, it was Hayden Christiansen. I'm not joking. That surprised the shit out of me. I paused and zoomed it. It's hayden, dressed as he was in ROTS. It wasn't Vader, or old Anakin, as I remember. They completely changed it!

Has anyone esle noticed this?
Has anyone esle noticed this?


Your tour of duty in Iraq has kept you away from the geek circles it would seem. :D Everyone has noticed it, bitched and cried about it, reaffirmed that Lucas is raping their childhoods again ect.

I like the addition, personally. The Anakin we see standing there is the Anakin BEFORE the fall. When he was still a Jedi, before he did all those terrible things.

You are seeing Anakin at his last moment of being a Jedi. It makes perfect poetic sense to do it this way instead of having the Sebastian Shaw force ghost grow his limbs back and don some Jedi Robes for the first time in 23+ years.

But most Star Wars haters can't understand the change, or why Lucas did it.
No, I understand the change. Yet, would you go back and fix Van Gogh's "Stary Night" just because it seemed a bit blurry? No, you leave a perfectly good piece of art THE FUCK ALONE. All of those other adds kinda tick me off. I just want to watch it as it was. You know, without the dancing long-mouthed singing freakshow that he added at Jabba's palace. It was a perfectly good movie, despite what lucas saw as imperfections.
Mentalist said:

Your tour of duty in Iraq has kept you away from the geek circles it would seem. :D Everyone has noticed it, bitched and cried about it, reaffirmed that Lucas is raping their childhoods again ect.

I like the addition, personally. The Anakin we see standing there is the Anakin BEFORE the fall. When he was still a Jedi, before he did all those terrible things.

You are seeing Anakin at his last moment of being a Jedi. It makes perfect poetic sense to do it this way instead of having the Sebastian Shaw force ghost grow his limbs back and don some Jedi Robes for the first time in 23+ years.

But most Star Wars haters can't understand the change, or why Lucas did it.

This change makes me want to hunt down Lucas like a dog & slit his fuckin' throat!! It doesn't make ANY sense to me AT ALL!! It's just a retarded distraction & nonsensical change to an otherwise moving scene. This scene & the ridiculous scene where Han walks over Jabba's tail are the ONLY 2 updated scenes i detest with a passion!!
This change makes me want to hunt down Lucas like a dog & slit his fuckin' throat!! It doesn't make ANY sense to me AT ALL!! It's just a retarded distraction & nonsensical change to an otherwise moving scene. This scene & the ridiculous scene where Han walks over Jabba's tail are the ONLY 2 updated scenes i detest with a passion!!

How can you not understand it? It makes perfect sense. Once Anakin fell he was lost to the dark side. He massacred younglings for fucks sake.

It makes the fall more poignient. That he was truly lost after the fall. His redemption at the end of ROTJ allows him to revert to when he died. And *newsflash* Anakin died in Palpatines office and Darth Vader was born.

It's not a hard concept to fathom.

As for Lucas and his 'changes' well, I don't like all of them but they are his movies, they are his property and he can do what he likes.

I wouldn't compare Van Goghs starry night to the abysmal Yub Yub song at the end of the original version of ROTJ. The 97 edition with the scaping shots of the Planets being freed is a much better ending, this isn't even debatable.

As for when Han walks over Jabbas tail.. Whats more disconcerting? The fact that Jabba is a human in Empire and then a Giant slug in RotJ or Han walking over the digitally inserted Jabbas tail because he walks around him in the original version and it was the only way to fix this glaring continuity problem?

RotJ was not a great film compared to the first two. Time has made people more accepting and nostalgic for it but it is weaker than all the other movies. It has touches of greatness in the Luke/Vader scenes but a lot of it is fluff.

Most of the changes are warranted and the Anakin force ghost most of all. Having Sebastian Shaw there didn't mesh well with the story from the start. Plus it ties the PT perfectly into the end of RotJ.
My big complaint is that he is mixing mediums. It's like airbrushing a Rembrandt. The part that's touched-up is definitely going to look good, but compared to the cracked oil paint around it, it's going to look misplaced. That's what these changes are. They are always noticeable for me. It completely interrupts the flow. No matter how appropriate the changes are, they stand out compared to the original movie. From an artistic standpoint, it was just bad form.
Conchaga said:
My big complaint is that he is mixing mediums. It's like airbrushing a Rembrandt. The part that's touched-up is definitely going to look good, but compared to the cracked oil paint around it, it's going to look misplaced. That's what these changes are. They are always noticeable for me. It completely interrupts the flow. No matter how appropriate the changes are, they stand out compared to the original movie. From an artistic standpoint, it was just bad form.

Where did you appear from?
The originals weren't the greatest thing since sliced bread... But given the advances we see in othe rfilmmakers work over 20 years, you'd expect them to be far far better.