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Tarantino Star Trek?

I don’t really see what it could add to things, aside from Kirk bidding farewell to the villain with “fuck you, cuntface” before mowing him down with a phaser machine gun.

While the idea of human Trek characters being perfect is silly and impossible to write for, they should still be professional scientists or military personnel who don’t give into petty anger and name calling a enough to call for the rating.
It would be like a universe full of Barclays who decided to turn their anger and frustration outward instead of inward.

Which isn't Trek.
I never thought it would be made -- no Trek project was ever greenlit this quickly -- usually there's years of hand-wringing involved.
I still don't get why they announced "Chris Hemsworth's in the next one!" five minutes after Beyond flopped when they surely didn't know what the movie would even be about.
They should clarify that she’s only the first female director of a Trek film, not of the whole franchise.

Meanwhile, I’ve never heard of her and the shows they mentioned are usually capably directed but not anything extraordinary, but I guess we’ll see. Glad to see Chris Hemsworth is still named, though a lot of it seems subject to change.
Tarantino doesn't give a fuck about your "timelines" or "canon."

"Hey, customer! I don't give a fuck about giving you what you want!"
"Great! Then I don't give a fuck about giving you the money YOU want!"

Of course, it doesn't seem like Tarantino is so much saying "I don't give a fuck" as he's actually asking, "What the fuck?" He doesn't seem to get that the films split the continuity.
Since the timeline divergence doesn’t need to be referenced anymore they could just have the Abrams cast and keep it ambiguous which universe it takes place in (though stylistically it’ll be a giveaway of course).