Troll Kingdom

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T'bonzed at TrekBBS

Mentalist said:
OMFG, it's AboveAll. Well, I DO know your account very well since we have had some *ahem* run-ins in the past, Tom Cruise to play Frodo should jog your memory if you don't remember allready.
Yeah, I remember. If I recall, you seemed to take it rather personally - as if I were personally attacking Elijah Wood's honor, or something. :LOL:

If it helps, I don't much care for Cruise and his recent self-publicity stunts. I don't care if I see another film with that jackass in it.
Friday said:
No, you're either Storm Rucker or Dayton. We all know it. ;)
Who? Dayton, OH? I drove through there once.

I should apologize for using such harsh language with T'bonz in my earlier post, but as everybody can see, even calmly explaining my situation apparently doesn't earn me the benefit of the doubt here. I'm willing to give her that respect and assume that she's so used to dealing with so much dishonestly at the BBS that she's simply unable to believe someone made a honest to God mistake.

As I stated in the email to T'bonz, I wasn't causing trouble with the new screen name. Therefore, there is little point for me to create a dual, which is only used for the purpose of stirring up trouble. As for forgetting to tell her I created the new account, I know it may be too hard for her to believe, since T'bonz thinks the whole Internet is out stalking her, but I had no idea who the board administrator was until this trouble started.

Thus, if I had known that changing my user name required me to go through the trouble of contacting someone, I wouldn't have automatically known who to contact.
t'bonz shows classic symptoms of chronic paranoia - every newbie must be a troll, duals are everywhere...etc...
Cloudscum said:
t'bonz shows classic symptoms of chronic paranoia - every newbie must be a troll, duals are everywhere...etc...
If I had known I was using a dual, I would have at the very least had some fun with it, you know. Like had conversations or arguments with myself.

What's the point, though, since I don't attract enough attention there to necessitate having one?
Cloudscum said:
t'bonz shows classic symptoms of chronic paranoia - every newbie must be a troll, duals are everywhere...etc...

Problem is I've been burned too many times. Tends to make one paranoid. After running this for a year and a half, I've seen lots of stuff happening and heard lots of bullshit. Sometimes the innocent get swept up in that. Then again, I'm sure the gameplayers get away with stuff more often than I catch them (or frustrate innocent people.)

I'll reopen the new account and see how it goes. Yes, I am a sucker. :p But you all know that already ;) But I will remind you all of this (thereby giving more ammunition so that one can complain of my fascist ways. Happy New Year! ;) )

Users who the board ownership believes participate on the Trek BBS to troll, irritate, upset or harm the general BBS population its staff or the board itself may have their accounts locked without prior notice or announcement in order to protect the BBS and its participants.

Take this to mean that my patience with some stupidities has rapidly eroded along with my health. Those of you who know me, know that I do try to bend over backwards to be fair. I'm telling you that I may have been bending over too far at times. I won't go the route of ban 'em all or way too many rules, I will always try for that middle road (neither TK nor an ultra-strict road), but I may not be as patient with people who are right on that line of being assholes and taunting about it.


But what to do about changing accounts/names was in the FAQ. I looked, because if it hadn't been, I'd have had to make sure I fixed that.

Sorry I am taking so long on email. Even at my best, answering my email is my worst. You guys think I suck as an admin, well maybe, but compared to how I answer email, I'm great as an admin. :p

**waves to CU.** Why did you change your name here? Planning on rafting down the Mississippi or something?

OK, have fun. I've given y'all enough to cackle about for a bit. I'm off to annoy another BBS now. ;)

Seriously, I like 99% of you guys (there's always one dick in the bunch, so I reserve that 1%.) My recent health stuff has really made me reevaluate online in that it's harder and harder to get really annoyed at stuff. Maybe that'll return shortly, I don't know. But I find myself distancing myself from the sturm and drang of it all and my usual attitude anymore is amusement. After what I'm going through, it's hard sometimes to take it all seriously.

Or maybe I'm just fucking nuts. Probably. :mrgreen:
And trmblingblustar couldnt even bother to say thank you? How rude!!

I dont care if this IS TK ,he could have at least said thank you.

T'Bonz said:
**waves to CU.** Why did you change your name here? Planning on rafting down the Mississippi or something?

Nope. It's because I'll be painting that white picket fence your daughter calls her smile with my sperm off and on this year. ;)
missmanners said:
And trmblingblustar couldnt even bother to say thank you?
Awwww! Well, my account is still locked! :(

And I've had the stomach flu for the past three days or so. Must be all the bad karma catching up with me. So if I seem to be exhibiting a lack of appreciation, it's probably because I'm hugging the linoleum.
T'Bonz said:
I'll reopen the new account and see how it goes.
Thanks, T'bonz! I'm sorry for being in such a pissy mood lately. Did I mention I just got the stomach flu? I'm sure that has something to do with it!
My recent health stuff has really made me reevaluate online in that it's harder and harder to get really annoyed at stuff.
I have a good friend who is the owner/admin for another web forum, and she spends at least 3-5 hours a day, if not more, dealing with the crap on that board. I know how you must feel. It's certainly not something I'd put up with, much less pay money to put up with, as she's done.
I've always thought Tom Cruise would have made an excellent Frodo. They're about the same height.

And as for this thread, who says TK never accomplished anything? Stick around, AboveAll...even though you're on Wacky's Top Five TrekBBS Retards list, I'm sure something good will come of it.
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
I've always thought Tom Cruise would have made an excellent Frodo. They're about the same height.

Ya never know!

After all, some people enjoyed Legend.

I'm not one of them, but I hear some people really like that movie!
trmblingblustar said:
Thanks, T'bonz! I'm sorry for being in such a pissy mood lately. Did I mention I just got the stomach flu? I'm sure that has something to do with it!

That would tend to make me crabbier than my norm.

I have a good friend who is the owner/admin for another web forum, and she spends at least 3-5 hours a day, if not more, dealing with the crap on that board. I know how you must feel. It's certainly not something I'd put up with, much less pay money to put up with, as she's done.

It has its moments. I'm generally good-natured and laid back, which helps. If I rant, it's quick and furious and done within a few minutes, which keeps me from getting an ulcer.

Usually I try to answer quicker. I suck so badly though at email, even my best friend IRL (who lives up north now) gets pissed at me, because I just suck at emails/PMs. Much better to catch me more live (chat, or here on TK. etc.) Most TKers know that I usually will respond here as quickly as I see things, quicker than my damned email and PMs.

I know, bad excuse, but I really do hate answering emails/PMs. Don't know why. I always have to force myself to do it and I curse myself out for not being efficient.