Tea Room Diary


RIP Karl 1991-2014
It may be a blatant rip off, but we deserve one, too.

27/11: Woke up late, started diary thread.


Pinata Whacker
11/27-Woke up at 9 AM after only 5 hours sleep. Went online. Took a 3 hour nap at 2 PM. Awoke still feeling groggy and with a headache. Came back online anyway.


Pinata Whacker
Other than a minor car accident when we were backing out to head down to my parent's house it was good. We left too late to help my Mom do a big home cooked meal so we just ate a Thanksgiving TV dinner style meal delivered from the Church.


Grand Wizard of TK

According to Americans Black Friday is a day when shoppers are pitted in combat against one another in order to attain discount prices. It was advised to stay indoors during this period.

Currently in the process of saving archived GFHH threads in case Missmanners dies and the host cuts us off after lack of payment. Up to 2000 threads.

Created a social group because no one will ever use that feature. There's a Bring back cow group. Whats up with the group logo?

Seph should be the designated Karma Fairy. The guy gives out karma like candy from his van.

Caco isn't interested in TK. Only cares about what I'm posting.

Gagh is donating useless credits to me in an attempt to flood my PM box. My reaction, "Yay, credits!"