Terminator: Salvation


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
We went and saw this last night. No indepth review right now because I think more people are waiting to see it over the weekend. But it is safe to say that Sam Worthington will be my #1 for quite a while to cum..., er come!

I'll give it a 6.5/10.


I want to smell dark matter
Is it all action and no story like "they" are saying? Any Sarah Connor Chronicle references?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Is it all action and no story like "they" are saying? Any Sarah Connor Chronicle references?

Actually it's more Marcus Wright (Worthington) than John Connor.

One thing I will mention as a nitpick here:

There are moments where they show John listening to tapes of his mother. That's not Linda Hamilton's voice (at least I don't think) and the tape describing Kyle Reese, while verbatim, is extremely wooden and fast-paced. Not the way it was read in the original movie when she's in the jeep in Mexico.


Is this real life?
Well Linda Hamilton is supposed to have a voiceover in the movie, so maybe that's her. She's kind of old now, so maybe she just talks slowly.

I'm looking forward to seeing the movie, but I'm really disappointed that the reviews and ratings are so bad. The story as I understand it from the trailers sounds as though it could have been very effective if handled right. I must say, though, I started to have my doubts when I saw that ludicrous bit with the bikes.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Actually, the bike scene is pretty cool.


I want to smell dark matter
Is the
Arnold cameo
any good?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
It's pretty neat. You can tell it's computer generated in his face to make him look young, but still.


I want to smell dark matter
I'll watch it on tv.


Is this real life?
Actually, the bike scene is pretty cool.

I'm sure it's exciting and all, it's just the bit they show in the trailers where John Connor (I'm guessing) makes his bike duck under some flying debris that gets me. I can only suspend my disbelief so far, even in a movie that I know is about time traveling robots designed to blend in with an overwhelmingly American group of human survivors, yet have strong Austrian accents and impossibly huge muscles.


I want to smell dark matter
So it's like Transformers?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Guess you could put it that way.
I loved this fucking movie! This is how 80's remakes are supposed to be! Almost the entire movie could've been shot in 1987. Tons of old school stop motion goodness. I could cite the myriad of influences McG blended together seemlessly, like War of the Worlds (the real one, not that shitty Tom Cruise version) and Mad max, but fuck it. Of course, they had all the old lines, and that GNR song from judgement day, but yeah I'm glad I saw this movie.


I'm not wearing any panties!!
Is the
Arnold cameo
any good?

There was applause, Huzzahs!, Fuck yeahs, ect in my screening. However it was opening night so no one was expecting it. Might not be so loud a reaction now.


I'm not wearing any panties!!
I'm looking forward to seeing the movie, but I'm really disappointed that the reviews and ratings are so bad.

Critics are panning it, but viewers are loving it.

IMDB 7.7/10
RT Community: 73%

I can see that... It's not Oscar Material, but neither were the first 2 (we'll just pretend the 3rd never happened).


I want to smell dark matter
I wonder what it was about Star Trek that made all the critics love it?


Let's fuck some shit up
I wonder what it was about Star Trek that made all the critics love it?

Writing, directing, acting, special effects?

What killed it for the fans would be the continuity jump from the timeline universe we know to the new one, where it's 90210 in space.


I want to smell dark matter
Which fans? Stupid ones?