Testing time, can you find the USA on this map!

bad dog

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Who will be the first genius to answer?



Forever Empress E
I need someone from Africa to teach the Iraq so they can teach the Asians who will in turn make a map of this United States of America so we will have a better future for our children and such. Wait, was that too coherent?


Forever Empress E
And, if you take the "u" from Connecticut
and an "s" from either Washington, Texas, Alaska, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota (stay out of the airport bathrooms), Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Illinois, Wisconsin, Tennesse, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island or New Jersey
and an "a" from just about any state in the union
you'd find "USA" on that map.

But, can you find the USA on a map of the world?


Resident Smartarse
I don't see the USA-- I see Jesusland, and portions of Mexico and the United States of Canada :bigass: