thanks a bunch...


Retired Account
Fat Lazy and broke...

god you know how to rep America loktar, good work.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's an interesting way of trolling for sure =)


beer, I want beer
Yo I dunno about anybody else but I think the new Donovan may be literally mentally retarded.

If I admit I had to log out and check this post for [ you ] tags, does that mean you were right?


Retired Account


Tell me Seph, any references to you being white trash set aside for the moment do you really work at a fish cannery or something? I see it.


Retired Account
Tell me Seph, any references to you being white trash set aside for the moment do you really work at a fish cannery or something? I see it.

no but i do earn your monthly giro every few days, so keep swinging and missing darkie, its fun to watch in a lame kinda wai.


Retired Account
is that you metaphor for a wildly swinging and frequently missing negroid? if so i like.

Gaystrom is the shadow boxer.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Daystrom, are you down with New Age Posting? As the official TK cupcakeer's Advocate, I'd be happy to welcome you into the fold. I'm sure my client Blackfoot would appreciate your support.


I'm actually caucasian Dirk but whatever, cupcakeers is cupcakeers to the trash man.

Have a banana.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I'm actually caucasian Dirk but whatever, cupcakeers is cupcakeers to the trash man.

Have a banana.

You no longer have to be black to be a cupcakeer. That requirement was dropped some time ago. cupcakeerhood is now available to all who desire it.


Pinata Whacker
You no longer have to be black to be a cupcakeer. That requirement was dropped some time ago. cupcakeerhood is now available to all who desire it.

Well yeah you do have to be black to be a cupcakeer. A white cupcakeer is technically a wigger.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Well yeah you do have to be black to be a cupcakeer. A white cupcakeer is technically a wigger.

I'm surprised at you, Loktar. That's a very racist attitude, claiming that white or Asians are incapable of being cupcakeers. I hope you eventually see the error of your ways. As my client GANK MASTER would say: "JESUS CHRIST! You need to PRAY!"


Retired Account
I'm surprised at you, Loktar. That's a very racist attitude, claiming that white or Asians are incapable of being cupcakeers. I hope you eventually see the error of your ways. As my client GANK MASTER would say: "JESUS CHRIST! You need to PRAY!"

loktars cupcakeer denial disturbs me.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
loktars cupcakeer denial disturbs me.

Me too. I thought as a society we would have gotten past this kind of bigotry. Apparently not. We need to realize as a culture that ANYONE can be a cupcakeer, regardless of the color of their skin. Only then will we reach true equality.