The Badlanders would like to invite the Mine Fielders


Let's fuck some shit up
To the first ever Troll Kingdom Summer of Spam picnic in the Troll Playground.

Recently, most of the dregs from that area have been removed and a beautification project has begun. We would like to formally invite members of the Mine Field to come and join us in this celebration. There will be plenty of spam for everyone and nobody will be refused. We promise to keep the drama to a minimum and the joy to a maximum. It's about time we rested this small feud between us and we should join posts in a Spam fellowship!

I look forward to seeing you all there.

This message was paid for by the public service announcements fund of the Badlands.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Yes, there will be punch and pie served, and yes, the punch will be spiked and the pie laced.


You're damned right duck sex. What's a picnic without duck sex.....afternoon delight!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
We're feuding?


That's what I thought. That being "we're feuding?"

If I'd known I'd be busy insulting people and demeaning Wacky by pulling down his pants and laughing at his penis, whatever size it is.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Jethro's got that covered.


I want to smell dark matter
Spamming is boring.


I want to smell dark matter
wat if i do it like this


I want to smell dark matter
i don't post much


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Is Dickenhan(d) invited?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
fuck me in the neck no


Let's fuck some shit up
Think about it. Jack is gone and NAP is gone. All that's left up there is a ghost town of Starguard posts with the occasional Elrod or Aquehonga inane blathering. I think it's high time that the true members of TrollKingdom reclaim Troll Playground in the name of what it used to be: Speak Freely.