
I want to smell dark matter
I KNOW MENTY WON'T BELIEVE ME because he doesn't see the live feed but they're biased against Emily JUST LIKE THEY WERE WITH AISYLENE LAST YEAR RMEMEBER and it was all OH LET'S SHOW EMILY TALKING ABOUT CHARLY FOR TWO MINUTES SO SHE LOOKS LIKE THE BITCH rather than properly representing that Charly was ranting FOR SIX HOURS and called them all "fat bitches" and called Nikky "evil" and BEGGING Ziggy not to nominate her but no let's not show that let's just show her crying about missing her mum at the end WTF FUCK AJLGDJa I think about this too much I'm going to have a lie down bye forever.


I want to smell dark matter
They protect the black girl and make the white girl look bad due to the racism row, I'M BECOMING ONE OF THOSE "PC MADNESS" PEOPLE, also: Shabnam is fucking insane and they didn't show any of it why do I care I don't I don't care about anything fuck you all you fucking drumsticks.


Is this real life?
How much of the live feed do you watch? I can't be doing with it, all the interruptions when they're talking about something interesting really piss me off.

I don't think they're making Emily look too bad, though. Charley was clearly being an annoying brat and Emily was justified to talk about it and she was also in the right when she challenged Charley on her name dropping.


I want to smell dark matter
But they didn't represent how Charley was going on and on for HOURS on both nights and was getting pretty nasty at times...skhjh


Is this real life?
Was it really hours?

It annoys me how she cries to get attention and even Emily who's wise to Charley's manipulations STILL goes up to comfort her.


Staff member
I don't like Emily. She's a bitch. Within 24 hours she had done two things that made me dislike her. Her and Charley are both fucking goons.


I want to smell dark matter
Emily is okay and all but I think she should stop criticising the other housemates every chance she gets. It makes her look like a bitch. For instance, I don't think she should have said to Charley to not name-drop or to Chanelle that it's pathetic that she wants to become a WAG. It's none of her business. She should stay out of the petty fights and she might go all the way. Otherwise, she's gonna turn off the public and get voted out.


I want to smell dark matter


Can I have Ops?
I turned on and the black girl said something so awful I shouted at the telly for her to go home and stop stealing our jobs.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, she's as mad as a box of black. Great viewing though! IF YOU'RE OF BELOW AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE!!!!!

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I like how Emily's bum says it likes smoking and drinking.


I want to smell dark matter


That's C4 for you Wacky. They've fized their own shows in the past, remember ;)