The Boys


I want to smell dark matter
The spin-off starts off good but by the end it just felt like they were moving things into place for The Boys rather than finishing the actual story of the spin-off.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I need The Deep to come talk to Bertha and find out what her favorite food is. He'd probably try to hump her, tho.


I want to smell dark matter
New season starts on Thursday with 3 episodes (then 1 a week after that.) I don't know why Thursday instead of Friday. Maybe I'll never know.


Staff member
5th season will be the final season. I think this is probably a good idea. They can have a clear plan to wrap things up in a satisfying way. The Boys has been one of my favourite "modern" shows, but I felt they dropped the ball pretty hard at the end of season 3 so hopefully, having a clear plan for when the show is ending, they can tighten things up. For now, I look forward to Season 4 starting in a few days.


I want to smell dark matter
And they can always drag it out with countless spin-offs that decreasing numbers of people watch!


I want to smell dark matter
Watched the first episode of season 4: SPOILERS.

It was a good start. Sage seems interesting and I wonder if she's playing the very long game to eventually defeat Homelander (or maybe she's just evil.)

I knew about Erin Moriarty's...facial changes, but the guy who plays M.M. looked so different too that I thought he was recast at first. But I guess that's just what happens when it takes 2 years to get a season out and they've had to write in the fact that Antony Starr is looking older too.

Was Frenchie being a bi lad a thing last season? I can't remember.

I'm glad Ryan hasn't totally turned into a Homelander Jr.


Boobie inspector
MM looks to have lost a lot of weight, mostly off his face.

Yes I think the bi was previously established.

I have also seen the 2nd episode, no spoilers.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Just finished the 1st one. It was a bit slow at first, and I was afraid the writing would be off like every other show. I liked Sage, and I'm glad she is an evil genius! The Deep keeping his octopus gf in the closet cracked me up a bit.


I want to smell dark matter
And she was Tilda Swinton.


Boobie inspector
MM had a beard, he looks very different without it.

3rd episode is tense, but we know there are two more seasons, how much danger can Heughie be in?


I want to smell dark matter
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is obviously only in Butcher's head, right?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
2nd episode - I think this season is missing the humor of the previous seasons. Like the shit was so crazy you laughed at it, but now it's kind of depressing. Plus they're following along with US politics a bit too closely. Too on the nose, or something.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe US politics copied the show.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
OMG, I'm watching the 3rd episode. Already Homelander is Trump, and a crazed Firecracker fan just tried to Pizzagate Starlight House (or whatever it's called). It's like they used 2016 Twitter to write the script.

I'm glad Hughie and his mom talked.

lol, Sage and Teh Deep. wtf did the blooming onion make them high? Is Homelander high? what did I miss? I think maybe I forgot something from last season, does Homelander have split personality?


I want to smell dark matter
Sage gave herself a lobotomy so she could enjoy dumb things like Transformers 2 (the one with the racist robots) and fucking The Deep. There was a sharp bloody implement lying on her table.

They do pulls stuff word for word from our world and just change the words a bit too much (like "critical supe theory") these days. I did laugh when Firecracker tried to prove she was in a Jewish cabal by taking a video of the cardboard Tony Shalhoub.

It's annoying how Frenchie and Kimiko barely ever interact with anyone but each other and are off exploring their own tortured backstories again.
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Touching the monolith
Staff member
I saw the bloody thing, but giving herself a lobotomy never crossed my mind. That's really sad. I was thinking maybe she tricked Deep and that wasn't an onion it was his octopus gf (and for some reason that made her horny? lol)