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The Burton Schumacher Batman Films

Like most film series, the first is the best and the quality degrades thereafter, seemingly geometrically.

There are few films whose sequels are better I can think of four in my current sleepy stupor:

28 Weeks Later > 28 Days Later
Aliens > Alien
The Dark Knight > Batman Begins
The Empire Strikes Back > A New Hope
Batman = Great when it first came out because of the incredible hype. Looks campier than the 60s TV show in hindsight. Then: 4/5. Now: 3/5.

Batman Returns = The real classic of the bunch. Burton got the studio (and Prince) off his back, and finally got to show us Tim Burton's idea of Batman. Just as whacked today, in the best way. Then and Now: 4.5/5.

The Schumacher Batmans = Does anyone care? Disposable soft gay porn. The heroes are drag queens, insert over-the-top celebrity villain here, stir until a foamy head appears. Feh. Then and Now: 1.5/5.

Thank God the animated shows came along to cleanse our palettes.
I'd still like a Harley Quinn in the films, and not a cartoonish, comic relief version. Mr. J!!!
Ugh, Burton is just a little too overrated IMO. The only Batman movie worth a shit was the last one, and then only because of Ledgers contribution.

Not to shift gears, but did anyone see Ledger's last film? The one that Terry Gilliam just released on the Art House circuit?
Ugh, Burton is just a little too overrated IMO. The only Batman movie worth a shit was the last one, and then only because of Ledgers contribution.

Not to shift gears, but did anyone see Ledger's last film? The one that Terry Gilliam just released on the Art House circuit?

Not yet. It(Dr. Parnassus' Imaginarium(?)) looks very interesting from what I saw of the trailer though. Can't wait to see see how well Brad Pitt, Jude Law, and Johnny Fepp portray Ledger's character.
Batman: Good
Batman Returns: Also good
Batman Forever: eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no
Batman and Robin: A BAT BOMB??!??!?!?!?!???!!!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!!???!!??!?!?!
1960's Batman:
Simply awesome. Cool. groovy, hep & Herbert free.

Julie Newmar was yummy WOW! back then. Especially as Catwoman. She was the prego Capellan in TOS's "Friday's Child". Cesar Romero, Victor Buono, Burgess Meredith were great. Frank Gorshin's Riddler is an icon. Gorshin was Beal in TOS's B&W faces episode {"LTBYLB"}.

Batman (1989) -
It was fun to see in the theater & is visually very interesting, & had great music (NOT that prince crap). Overall, I think I can only watch, and like, maybe 20 minutes of this movie now. The rest? Bahh! It does have some now iconic scenes. "The Simpsons" parodied the surgeon scene, remember?

Batman Returns(1992) -
I really don't like this movie at all. Dark, depressing, cold, "uncharismatic". The Penguin is NOT a freak in the comic books! WTF?!?! He's a gangster like Henry Hill & Boss Oxmyx. And then Burton shamelessly plagiarizes Adam West Batman with that plot. Huh?!?! MP's Catwoman WAS hot, & BR's only redeeming characteristic.

BR was a bahh! humbug. Check please!

Batman Forever (1995) -
Enjoyable. Never saw the whole flick. Liked the change in tone from the first 2 flicks, especially BR.

Batman & Robin (1997) -
Lulz! A watchable bad flick from what I've seen of it. Never saw the whole movie.

Batman Begins (2005) -
Never seen it. But I hear it's good.

The Dark Knight (2008) -
Good. Very enjoyable. Liked it.

Robin beckons at Nolan's doorbell yes? Dick Grayson is Spock's great-great.....great-great......great grandfather.
Introducing Robin always ruins any Batman endeavor. I hope Nolan doesn't go there for a long time.

By design, Batman is way too screwed up to care for a child. Once the Robin aspect is introduced, the mystique of Batman/Bruce Wayne disappears, as he has to become a responsible, caring, generic "adult". In the comics, he couldn't shrug Robin off and go rogue until Robin himself grew up and was ready to leave him, which is why Batman was a cute, pseudo-deputized hero from 1940 until the 70's. Thank God they finally let Robin grow some short hairs and fly the coop, and Batman became interesting again.
Yeah, is Bruce Wayne really dead or something? I didn't exactly run to the comic book store once I started hearing those plans...
I'm a MARVEL MAN but I read some of that Batman and Final Crisis (I think?) stuff out of curiousity...umm, he seemed to die (since he was reduced to a skeleton. A fucking skeleton!) but then where was a scene of a man in cave drawing the bat signal on the wall, so...I don't know.
Caveman clone left on deserted island, who Alfred (if he's still alive) cleans up, educates and molds into a new Bruce Wayne maybe?

The real story is probably crazier. Which is why I didn't buy it.