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The Detective Dr Dave Adventures: The Damn Disaster Conspiracy

Episode 7: Bzzzz, It's Bee Baron!

Dr Dave and CaptainWacky sat in a bar in The Hotel Tickle. They had just recently arrived in Quebec City, upon knowledge that The Bick Box would be here. Cassie and Tisiphone, Lady Detectives were elsewhere in the city.

CaptainWacky was looking out the window when he saw the man Dr Dave was looking for. This individual was known as The Bee Baron.

"I see him!" said CaptainWacky

"Good...our information was correct then...The Bick Box must be here in Quebec City." said Dr Dave

On the way to Quebec City, Dr Dave and the gang had ran into a gentleman, this gentleman after some prodding gave up some information. His name was The Beaver Fighter. While not well known, he had some years back came across Detevtive Dr Dave's radar, in connection with a moon shining operation headed by The Dixie Rider.

"If only we knew their plan...why drown Canada..." said Dr Dave

Suddenly people outside were running and scraming. A thousand bees were flying around chasing people.

"By cork!" said Dr Dave.

"What should we do?" asked CaptainWacky.

"You will contact Cassie and Tisiphone, tell then of events here, but to stay put for now. I will have a chat with The Bee Baron.

With that, Detective Dr Dave got up, finished his scotch and soda and stepped outside.

To be continied...
Episode 8: No Park Benches for Loktar.

Dr Dave had gone outside to confront The Bee Baron, when CaptainWacky got a call from Cassie and Tisiphone, Lady Detectives.

"Loktar has gone and done something foolish." said Cassie

"What, EAT 23 Bags of Bird Crisps?!" asked CaptainWacky

"No, he's gone off to where you guys are." said Tisiphone

"The FOOLISH FISH!" said CaptainWacky

"If you can stop him, you must." replied Cassie

It was however too late, Loktar could be seen creeping up behind The Bee Baron.


Detective Dr Dave stood in front of The Bee Baron. The Bees did not seem to mind Dr Dave, but did seem to like everybody else. All around people were running and swating at the bees, some were on the ground, dead or otherwise incapacitated.

"Well Bee Baron, I see you're up to your old tricks. End this now, tell me where The Bick Box is, and I will see you are treated fairly." said Dr Dave

"HA HA HA, You do not scare me, The Bee Baron. I will tell you nothing of The Bick Box, nor The Dixie Rider's plan to get back at Canada!" said The Bee Baron, who suddenly made his mistake.

"You have confirmed what I suspected, but you will tell me what I need to know." said Dr Dave

Suddenly something caught Detective Dr Dave's was Loktar sneaking up behind The Bee Baron.

"That fool..." thought Dr Dave, but he gave no indication that Loktar was there.

Suddenly, the The Bee Baron looked at a group of bees, who immediately swarmed Loktar. Loktar screamed in pain and dropped to the floor.

"You will pay for that." Said Detective Dr Dave.

To be continued...
Episode 9: Chin music

The Bee Baron laughed as Loktar fell to the ground.

"Laugh all you want, but your time is finished here." said Dr Dave coldly.

"Not so, FOWARD BEES, ATTACK!" shouted The Bee Baron.

However nothing happened. The bees did not attack Detective Dr Dave. Knowing that this was an oppertunity, Dr Dave walked up to The Bee Baron and kicked him square in the nuts.

The Bee Barron fell over, but as he did so he stabbed Dr Dave in the leg with his Stinger of Doom.

Detective Dr Dave felt the pain, but with his good leg kicked The Bee Baron right in the chin.

Inside the bar, CaptainWacky watched. He was worried, he knew what he had to do. He placed a call to Cassie and Tisiphone, Lady Detectives.

To be continued...
Episode 10: The End of The Bee Baron

Dr Dave fell to the ground, having been stung by The Stinger of Doom.

CaptainWacky rushed out and said "Dr Dave!"

"If you could be so good, could you call Cassie and Tisiphone, lady detectives, have then stop by the antidote shop on 9th street and get some Stinger of Doom antidote?" said Dr Dave adding, it would appear the one I had in my bag broke during my fall.

CaptainWacky nodded and phoned again Cassie and Tisiphone, lady detectives.

"We'll get right on it!" said Cassie over the phone

22 minits later, Cassie and Tisiphone arrived with the antidote and gave it to Detective Dr Dave.

"Much better, now to search the bee baron..." said Dr Dave


Nearby an agent of The Dixie Rider was alarmed by the death of The Bee Baron, but he knew what he had to do.

"Report!" said The Dixie Rider, whom the agent had called

"The Bee Baron is dead, Dr Dave defeated him!" said The agent

"This is most displeasing..." replied The Dixie Rider

"What are my orders sir?" asked The Agent

"Keep an eye on them, report any movments." replied The Dixie Rider

To be continued...
Episode 11: We're going to take it to him, like a republican in a den of hippies.

After the defeat of The Bee Baron, the gang went to a near by pub called "The Tart's nose", to plan their strategy.

"What now?" asked Cassie

"It's time to take on The Dixie Rider, the more time he has, the more opportunity he has to flood Canada." replied Detective Dr Dave

"But how?" asked CaptainWacky

"We're going to take it to him, like a republican in a den of hippies!" replied Detective Dr Dave

Suddenly Cassie's detective phone rang. "Excuse me a moment." she said and then went into the mens room

"Why did Cassie go into the mens room" asked Tisiphone

"It's a well known fact that in pubs around here there is no reception in the ladies" replied CaptainWacky

A few moments later Cassie returned.

"Dr Dave, Tisiphone and I are needed despertly in Florida, something is going on and we have been called in." Said Cassie

"I understand, good luck." replied Detective Dr Dave.

Cassie and Tisiphone promptly left and CaptainWacky posed a question "Now what?"

Dr Dave had been scribbleing down the message, and handed it to CaptainWacky, along with a envalope, then said "Take this to channel 4, hand it to the station master."

CaptainWacky read the message and went "Meep!".

"Indeed CaptainWacky." replied Detective Dr Dave

To be continued...