The Drew from EI thread


GFHH Moderator
Fellow Trolls:

It's obvious that Drew reads our board incessantly. Ru also thinks that Virginia is Drew. Use this thread to tell him what you really think of him.


New Member
Yes, Drew reads here, I would guess several times a day. That should be no surprise. Many of the EI folks read here daily as you might guess when you look at the number of folks here viewing at any given time. Its not brain surgury. Particularly when things are stirring at EI they all run here to read.

I really have no idea who Drew is here. I only copied from a post Drew wrote in the AQG earlier this week using the name Virginia. Not thinking about TK at all when I wrote that....Shucks, guys sorry about that. The Virginia posting here has made no impact on me and has said nothing of importance to date that I can think of.

I do have wondered about Drew. Since he contacted me prior to coming back to EI as a posting member. I didn't not know him from Adam so I did a history on his past. Yep lots of bad blood between him and the staff. Upon his return arrival he tried to post in the OT and stopped after the first conflict. What does that tell ya?

Thats why I was offended that he called for a sitewide suspension for me when he knows my beef is with the OTurds. The same reason he WON'T post in the OT himself, because of the OTurds.

The guy is amazing.



New Member
From what i've read Drew is a whiny bitch. But that's just my opinion


I've always liked Drew. Though I remember one time years ago when I paid him a compliment and he took it as an insult.


GFHH Moderator
Henoch said:
I think Drew is hot. I'd like to have hot gay sex with him. ;)

Don't you mean have had??


New Member
Grandtheftcow said:
Drew’s a fun poster who’s entertaining to read.

Oh yes, you can say that again.

I've had very little interaction with him but as I said, I have read alot of his posts so I could get a better understanding of where he was coming from when he made his departure from EI last year.


Captain Jack

New Member
Drew is Virginia here? Hahahahahahahaha! I find that hard to believe. Virginia is Virginia. Forever an enigma to all.

Drew is Drew. If he reads anything here, who cares. Lots of folks do. Besides, I like Drew. I ain't touching this thread with even a 100 foot pole :D


New Member
DarthSikle said:
Fellow Trolls:

It's obvious that Drew reads our board incessantly. Ru also thinks that Virginia is Drew. Use this thread to tell him what you really think of him.

Right, i'm insulted. I am not Drew! Look, insult me if you like call me a teenage whore and a harry potter author (?!? - I still can't get over that one it still cracks me up) but Drew?!

RuReddy, can you please confirm or deny that you t hink that?


Captain Jack

New Member
RuReddy is just brown nosing TK'ers here. Trying so hard to win them over. Who knows, maybe RuReddy is actually Drew pretending to be RuReddy? Or maybe Drew just doesn't give a shit and wouldn't bother going through that much trouble?


GFHH Moderator
We know he reads TK incessantly.

Hey Drew, Fuck you!!! hahahahahahahaha


New Member
Virginia said:
Right, i'm insulted. I am not Drew! Look, insult me if you like call me a teenage whore and a harry potter author (?!? - I still can't get over that one it still cracks me up) but Drew?!

RuReddy, can you please confirm or deny that you t hink that?


You are a man and a true EI poster. Sheeez!!!!
Because you didn't bother to read the damn thread.!!.

Not the brightest crayon in the box are ya.



New Member
no, I merely read them in the order in which they appear. I don't pick and chose and hope to get them in theright order randomly. besides, I take anything second hand to be gossip and hearsay and therefore unsubstanciated.

Anyway, trust me, i'm a bright flurescent yellow.

ps, adds crossdresser to the list of odd things TK believes about herself.


New Member
Virginia said:
no, I merely read them in the order in which they appear. I don't pick and chose and hope to get them in theright order randomly. besides, I take anything second hand to be gossip and hearsay and therefore unsubstanciated.

Anyway, trust me, i'm a bright flurescent yellow.

ps, adds crossdresser to the list of odd things TK believes about herself.

You certainly proved my point with this damning post.

If you did indeed read the posts in the order in which they appear, you would have not had to ask me to confirm or deny anything. The answer was already in post # 2. LOL.....

Your the broken crayon no one wants to use.
