The End is Near: What a waste of effort


Elder Statesman
Well, the latest of many "end of days" dates has been set.

This group has some publicity.

However, I have a personal pet peeve against ANY prediction for the end of days. It is this: Theologically it Does Not Matter!!!!!

Anyone who wastes their time trying to "decode" the Bible, or reads Revelation for the sake of figuring out when it will happen is completely missing the point. If you take the Bible in it's entirety, there are many citations where both prophecy and even Christ state that it's useless. (Matthew 24, as one of many examples, particularly 44-51).

No, this pisses me off. Live a good life for the sake of living a good life. Be moral. Love each other. Do it because it's "right", not because you think the world will end tomorrow and God will judge you RIGHT NOW.
No, do it because the world WILL end tomorrow, when you die, and you'd better have lived today well. The fact that the rest of humanity will still go on is irrelevant to the dead guy. The world ended for YOU. You never saw the truck. Boom. Dead. End of days. Now what did you do with your time?

Why these people do this and claim some Christian authority is beyond me.

Idiots. Nothing worse than a well intentioned idiot. And we know what good intentions lead to.



I love you
I can handle people thinking they know when the end is coming, May 2011 according to this group, because all they are doing is telling people to know and prepare. I believe we are not supposed to know, and that we don't know, so as you say Consumer, we should just live our lives the same way no matter what. We should not change based on that we think the world will end tomorrow.

If we think we should all of the sudden be moral and compassionate, well we should have been doing that all along.

What I cannot handle are groups or cults where the followers commit suicide.

I can't wait until May 2011 when the rapture doesn't happen and that girl with the mini van has to change her advertising on her vehicle.


U mad 'bro?
Actually, SB, that's exactly why I study philosophy and reject religion.

There is a subtle, yet distinct, difference between being moral and good for it's own sake and being good and moral because either you were told to or because you'll get a reward if you do.


U mad 'bro?
Oh, and, "End Of The World" is confusing.

I think that a lot of people are thinking obliteration. Disintegration. Nothingness.
I don't think so.

Like the Death card in Tarot, it is the ending of one cycle and the beginning of another.
My perception of the world as I presently know it, will end. an another will start.
this could mean that I suddenly have psychic powers. Or that I recieve a million dollars.
That would certainly change how my world worked.
It could be that the Navajo's perform the Holy Ghost Dance and magic returns to the world and we enter the Fifth World.
It could very well be that Jesus returns to the world and says, "So, what have you all been up to?"
It coulds be that the dollar finally crumbles and our entire economy collapses.
all of those would definitely destroy the old and create a new.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
The world will indeed end next year...and it has nothng to do with the Myan Calander either.

I know this for a fact.. I am the Goddam Batman, I have connections!!

I Love Cunt

Watch It
Well then Stargard, you better get yourself to asia and see how many gigantic fake tits you can squeeze, suck and lick.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom