Troll Kingdom

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The I'm Not Gagh Thread

Well it's like this I think, the old way the karma worked it made an heirarchy out of longevity, which is of course, good and bad. We saw how it was wielded by those who were mature enough to do the "with great power comes great responsibility" thingie, there, and we got to see what sulking and petulant morons did to serve themselves when the real fun could have been had perhaps battling it out for absolutely nothing, which I found hysterically funny in this zen kind of way.

The whole things been a blast, what I think I've learned from it is this, people should use karma wisely, to make a point, to flame, to have fun...whatever.

Abuse of karma, (just use gagh or henoch as a template) should be dealt with by the group with the approval of the group.

That should keep the Captain Bringdowns in check and let free speech "ring throughout the land", as you are so fond of saying.
Yeah, I fail to see how karma in any way interfered with the whole free speak thing. The amount of karma, or lack there of, didn’t stop anyone from telling the dick, well, how big a dick they think he is. So what’s the problem?
jack said:
Well it's like this I think, the old way the karma worked it made an heirarchy out of longevity, which is of course, good and bad. We saw how it was wielded by those who were mature enough to do the "with great power comes great responsibility" thingie, there, and we got to see what sulking and petulant morons did to serve themselves when the real fun could have been had perhaps battling it out for absolutely nothing, which I found hysterically funny in this zen kind of way.

The whole things been a blast, what I think I've learned from it is this, people should use karma wisely, to make a point, to flame, to have fun...whatever.

Abuse of karma, (just use gagh or henoch as a template) should be dealt with by the group with the approval of the group.

That should keep the Captain Bringdowns in check and let free speech "ring throughout the land", as you are so fond of saying.

yes, abuse of karma should be dealt with appropriately

- for instance, 'certain' petulant posters will trawl through back-threads of someone they feel has slighted them in some way, and neg them to death. childish and an abuse of the system.

TK should operate in a quasi-communist collective mode. if a poster is being 'gaghish', then they should be punished accordingly - a council set up to decide the punishment - where the admins only sit idly by, we would act for the benefit of the board as a whole.

We uphold the notion that TK should be about free speech, but using the board as a personal playground in the guise of 'creative spamming' is wrong.
ValKilmer'sdick said:
certain' petulant posters will trawl through back-threads of someone they feel has slighted them in some way, and neg them to death. childish and an abuse of the system.

You didn't slight me. I did because you're a dick.

Just for the record.
Sarek said:
You didn't slight me. I did because you're a dick.

Just for the record.

erm.. i wasn't referring to you - i wasn't even aware you had done so.

we're having a serious discussion as to the shape of TK's future. either participate sensibly, or stay out....
Or what? You're gonna karma me to death?

And let's face it, the only decision you're able to make is which hand you use to jack off with tonight. So when you're in any position to decide the future of TK, have mm or Cait pm me and I might give you serious consideration.

But I doubt it. ;)
Sarek said:
Or what? You're gonna karma me to death?

And let's face it, the only decision you're able to make is which hand you use to jack off with tonight. So when you're in any position to decide the future of TK, have mm or Cait pm me and I might give you serious consideration.

But I doubt it. ;)

You should not underestimate our power. - we fully intend to renovate TK - when we are in control, we won't just neg you, we'll send you down into the bacardi dungeon...or worse....

I advise you show the President of the DLA some respect
ValKilmer'sdick said:
You should not underestimate our power. - we fully intend to renovate TK - when we are in control, we won't just neg you, we'll send you down into the bacardi dungeon...or worse....

I advise you show the President of the DLA some respect

This continual type of threatening post is extremely irritating. All this crap has been is to promote yourself as the "Greatest Troll" and demanding everybody bow down and worship you and show you respect.

Here are some words about your power - if bullying people on a message board is your idea of power, then you don't have any.
ValKilmer'sdick said:
You should not underestimate our power. - we fully intend to renovate TK - when we are in control, we won't just neg you, we'll send you down into the bacardi dungeon...or worse....

I advise you show the President of the DLA some respect
It's the Fake Henoch dungeon now. Check the description. ;) It's been like that ever since mm exiled Fake Henoch to the basement for stealing Henoch's username. :eek:
eloisel said:
Here are some words about your power - if bullying people on a message board is your idea of power, then you don't have any.

How exactly is he bullying anyone? I thought karma was worthless? How can you bully people with smoke?

I have little bit more respect now for kilmer because he is indeed a decent troll, at least when it comes to TKers. He's obviously sharp enough to see how he contradicts himself. Does he really care what he writes?

The only thing more hilarious than some of his lines is the way TKers trip over each other while attempting to 'disprove' what he writes, in a point-by-point and disorganized fashion.
Chadarnook said:
How exactly is he bullying anyone? I thought karma was worthless? How can you bully people with smoke?

I have little bit more respect now for kilmer because he is indeed a decent troll, at least when it comes to TKers. He's obviously sharp enough to see how he contradicts himself. Does he really care what he writes?

The only thing more hilarious than some of his lines is the way TKers trip over each other while attempting to 'disprove' what he writes, in a point-by-point and disorganized fashion.
True, karma isn't worth crap. However, lame as it may be, the constant threatening is bullying. I disagree on the trolling though. I think it would be considered a successful troll if it actually forced some change in how the board's membership operates in direct conflict with the board's membership identity. In other words, to troll a troll, the goal would be to get the troll to act untrollish.
eloisel said:
True, karma isn't worth crap. However, lame as it may be, the constant threatening is bullying.

So, Bowel movement has also been bullying us?

Is trolling bullying? kilmer has gotten quite a composite reaction from the board members.

I disagree on the trolling though. I think it would be considered a successful troll if it actually forced some change in how the board's membership operates in direct conflict with the board's membership identity.

That depends if he set out to change the board. If so, then he has been unsuccessful.

People keep taking his words at face value. Of course he can't force change. However, members arguing with him up to this point that he can't, imo, is a successful troll.

In other words, to troll a troll, the goal would be to get the troll to act untrollish.

No idea.
Chadarnook said:
So, Bowel movement has also been bullying us?
Not familiar with Bowel Movement (except my own, thank you).

Is trolling bullying?
Actually, I don't think so but I'm no aficionado so what do I know?

That depends if he set out to change the board. If so, then he has been unsuccessful.
From the gist of many of his posts, I believe that was/is his intent.

People keep taking his words at face value. Of course he can't force change. However, members arguing with him up to this point that he can't, imo, is a successful troll.
Has produced some very interesting graphics, though, don't you think?
From the gist of many of his posts, I believe that was/is his intent.
This is exactly what I'm talking about, but before we start spamming, read what I wrote in the two earlier posts.