the Jews are plotting against us


Troll Kingdom Ambassador
I've always thought that Jew-bashing was for racists and cooky neonazis, but over the last week I've been reading some of the hard evidence posted around the internet about the holocaust and about the Jews and I've come to the conclusion that everything I've beleived about jews up to this point has been a big lie. The Jews are plotting against us.

As one of the few people now in posession of the truth about the Jews, I feel responsible for spreading my knowledge. Americans must be made aware of the zionist threat lurking in the shadows. What's the best way to alert people to the Jewish menace?
Well, I think the ultimate protest is lighting yourself on fire. That always gets media attention. If all of the people who believe Jews are plotting against the rest of us were to light themselves on fire, boy, that would really say something!
What's the matter? You usually just jump into debate. Why start a parody thread?

WordInterrupted said:
I've always thought that Jew-bashing was for racists and cooky neonazis, but over the last week I've been reading some of the hard evidence posted around the internet about the holocaust and about the Jews and I've come to the conclusion that everything I've beleived about jews up to this point has been a big lie. The Jews are plotting against us.

As one of the few people now in posession of the truth about the Jews, I feel responsible for spreading my knowledge. Americans must be made aware of the zionist threat lurking in the shadows. What's the best way to alert people to the Jewish menace?

The internet.
On the eve of April 25, 1995, Reinhold Elstner, a retired 75-year-old chemist-engineer and Wehrmacht veteran, walked up the steps to the Feldherrnhalle - Germany's "Hall of Heroes" - doused himself with a flammable liquid and set himself on fire.

"Fifty years of unrelenting smear campaigns and demonization of an entire people are enough.

Fifty years of incessant insults hurled at German war veterans are enough.

At the age of 75, not much is left for me to do, but perhaps through my act of self-immolation, I can give a clarion call and set one visible example of reflection.

If even one single German wakes up and finds his way back to the truth, my self-sacrifice will not have been in vain."

In Germany and, for that matter, most of Europe, you are allowed to say you ". . . doubt the Holy Ghost" - but you will go to prison for ". . . questioning the Holocaust."

Morrhigan said:
Well, I think the ultimate protest is lighting yourself on fire. That always gets media attention. If all of the people who believe Jews are plotting against the rest of us were to light themselves on fire, boy, that would really say something!
Google said:
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,670 for "Reinhold Elstner".
Thankfully, it didn't get much media attention. Score one for the good guys!

How dare the stupid goyim criticise Jews. Jews are innocent of everything, always. Anyone who calls Jews on any possible bias they might possess, really just wants to gas millions.

Can't we just burn racist white babies? Much less surface area.
So WordInterrupted has gone and tried his hand at sarcasm. How cute.

On the other hand, if he's sincere, then I believe he owes me a sincere apology.
WordInterrupted said:
What's the best way to alert people to the Jewish menace?

First of all, there is no Jewish menace. The threat comes from the almost fanatically pro-Zionist foreign policy our country has been pursuing, and the foundations upon which that fuels itself. The Jewish people are not evil, as a whole, any more than any other people is evil, as a whole.

What is of great concern -- and very justifiably should be, to anyone with half an ounce of objectivity and the guts to take a good, hard look at the available evidence -- is the free pass that Zionist groups such as AIPAC are given to dictate America's foreign and domestic policy with regard to Israel. The fact that such policies have already cost not only a consistent, and consistently substantial, drain on America's resources but American lives as well -- both military and civilian -- should be a wake-up call to anyone.

And yes, education on this is important, because the influence groups like AIPAC have is directly proportional to their ability to employ propaganda, both to justify their ends and to suppress the historical origins of their influence and how far that influence goes.

On another note: Christ, I've turned into the fucking Anti-Mulder. :roll:
Chadarnook said:
"Fifty years of unrelenting smear campaigns and demonization of an entire people are enough.

Fifty years of incessant insults hurled at German war veterans are enough.

At the age of 75, not much is left for me to do, but perhaps through my act of self-immolation, I can give a clarion call and set one visible example of reflection.

If even one single German wakes up and finds his way back to the truth, my self-sacrifice will not have been in vain."

Thankfully, it didn't get much media attention. Score one for the good guys!

Well, sure, cuz that was just one person. It's easy to write off one guy as a whacko. But if thousands of anti-semites torched themselves, you can bet it'd be all over the news!
Morrhigan said:
Well, sure, cuz that was just one person. It's easy to write off one guy as a whacko. But if thousands of anti-semites torched themselves, you can bet it'd be all over the news!

Who said he was an anti-semite?
Morrhigan said:
Well, sure, cuz that was just one person. It's easy to write off one guy as a whacko. But if thousands of anti-semites torched themselves, you can bet it'd be all over the news!

How fabulous that you can objectify and call for the deaths of an entire group of human beings in the course of protesting the historical objectification of another group -- and not feel the least bit like there's something wrong with that, apparently.
WordInterrupted said:
What's the best way to alert people to the Jewish menace?

Make a movie titled "The Zionest Zombies from Auchwitz".

With computer technology you could easily have 6 million zombie sprites moving independently from each other across the screen.
The Question said:
How fabulous that you can objectify and call for the deaths of an entire group of human beings in the course of protesting the historical objectification of another group -- and not feel the least bit like there's something wrong with that, apparently.

Yeah, TQ, cuz that's the kind of person I am. I want a bunch of people to actually light themselves on fire and die horrible deaths. :roll:
So, Wordin, what's the punchline? Why have you been so silent when lately, when a myriad of ignant threads have been popping up? Enlighten us with your wisdom.