The Last Frakking Special


I want to smell dark matter
It's a shame we never got a scene with all 12 cylons together. Maybe in The Plan (all 13 perhaps.)


Is this real life?
The thing with D'Anna on the planet felt like it was left hanging, but that could've just been crappy editing again. I reckon she'll be back.


I want to smell dark matter
RDM said she stayed on the planet and died in a podcast.


Is this real life?
Yeah, looks like it. Pretty stupid of her. At least take a gun with you.

The Special was really good. In hindsight, there were a few spoilers, including a scene that was cut from the finale, but looked really juicy. Should be on the DVD.


I want to smell dark matter


Zombie Hunter
OK. I missed the finale. I was stuck on a plane when it aired. But I did catch this. The special tells who the last Cylon is.


Boobie inspector
They said on sky that the special follows the last episode tonight, guess I'll be up till midnight tonight


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah it's on afterwards, might watch it, might watch Smallville on E4+1...but then Smallville sucks so I'll probably watch the special


Boobie inspector
They usually repeat this weeks smallville before the new episode next week dont they?


I want to smell dark matter
Oh yeah, good thinking...but then I'd have to watch two Smallvilles in one night and my feet would explode.


Zombie Hunter
Yeah it's on afterwards, might watch it, might watch Smallville on E4+1...but then Smallville sucks so I'll probably watch the special
I think I speak for everyone when I say...SMALLVILLE IS STILL ON THE AIR!?!?


Boobie inspector
Not only still on the air, but guarenteed another year at least.


I want to smell dark matter
IRONICALLY Captain Kelly from BSG was in the Smallville that I didn't watch because I was watching the special.


Boobie inspector
Watched the special at last, liked the fact that EJO shed a tear as he stepped out of his viper for the last time.

Presumably they filmed all the outdoor stuff first, so I guess that could have been the final scene ever.


I want to smell dark matter
It's good to see a cast with such a genuine love for the show. I do think they wasted a bit of time on Lucy Lawless, would rather have seen Dualla or Gaeta.


Is this real life?
Lucy Lawless spiked the casts' drinks with laxatives to help them show genuine hatred toward her character.


I want to smell dark matter
dirty frakker


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
That's how she rolls.