The Mandela effect

The Question

What is there to discuss? What is the "mandingo effect" anyway?

The Question




It's a new theory out there on the internet that someone or something (presumably CERN) has altered reality,or caused our reality to merge with another. Now people's collective memories of events,movies, movie quotes, books, bible verses,etc. have been changed from the way the they were always remembered. Lots of folks are buying into it,or at least contemplating it. It is named after one such altered "event" where people vividly recall,or remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in 1988 instead of dying a former president in 2013. Some account this to being an event altered by the Mandela effect instead of just chalking it up to them having a bad recollection of past events.

There's a bunch of stuff on YouTube as well.

The Question

I can kinda see that. Example: for some reason, I remember the Pokemon cartoon being on TV in the mornings while I was in high school.

Except it couldn't have been, because it wasn't on TV until 1997. But that's not how I remember it.


The only thing that made me ponder on this was the bible verses. I ran across this accidently whole while on YouTube. The most notable was Isaiah 11:6 in the KJV I always remembered it starting with "The lion will lay with the lamb" but it starts off with "the wolf will live with the lamb" I'd always heard it as lion And the lamb I can swear I remember reading that way myself. Plus all the images, statues, kicknacks,etc I've seen depicted as lion and the lamb. But the KJV clearly states " wolf will live the lamb" the lion is still mentioned in the verse, but i,and many others who have read or studied the bible remember the way I Do. Weird stuff. Most examples I've seen though refer to tv,and book titles they swear have altered from their memory. There were other verses but some of them were the way Id remembered them in other translations. (NKJV) so i may just be remembering it from that and not the KJV.

Berenstain bears= Berenstain bears
Curious George used to have a tail
Johnny Quest= Jonny Quest
It's kinda weird but Ive started to chalk it up to just flaws in memory but it's still sorta strange.

The Question

I'm with you on that; I remember it as lion and lamb, too. I've never even heard of 'wolf and lamb'.


Most Christians, or people who are familiar with the bible I've spoke to have said the same thing. It's definitely one of the better examples for this odd theory/ conspiracy.

The Question

Also, the Ghostbusters remake sucks baked piss. That has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, I'm just putting it out there.

Oh, and yeah, at some point we all jumped universes. Nothing drastic, apparently, but yeah.

The Question

Why do I say that? Well, for one thing, because there are 8.11 million hits for "the lion shall lie down with the lamb". That's way too specific a search term for that many errant hits.

So at some point, we all got bumped into an alternate reality that's so close to the one we remember that we don't even notice the difference -- except with tiny, tiny details like that.

Or, if you believe the theory that we all actually exist inside a simulation, it means the sim got updated. We weren't supposed to notice, but the construct got updated while our memories didn't.

The Mandela Effect is a glitch in a sim update.


So you don't blame the CERN particle accelerator? YouTube showed a video with one of the CERN scientist holding a sign that says "Mandela". Of course I can't verify it's authenticity. That, and they supposedly held some sort of bizarre ritual before activating it.


I liked the new Ghostbusters movie. Of course There's always a possibility we didn't see the same version with these possible reality slips and all.


Also, I always remembered JFK being in a car with 3 other people when he was assassinated. But now there was 5 people in the car with him when he was shot. Am I crazy?


Can I have Ops?
I remember when The Saint was funny, but that can't have happened for real so maybe we do have parallel universes.

The Question

I am funny. I am hilarious. Activate your humour subroutines.

Colonel Kira's Left Tit

Bearded Belly of Bajor
Also, I always remembered JFK being in a car with 3 other people when he was assassinated. But now there was 5 people in the car with him when he was shot. Am I crazy?

As I remember it there were six people in the car, driver and dude riding shotgun up front, the Connellys in the center seats, and the Kennedys in back. But that's not saying there isn't something to this, because over the last few years there have been instances when I've been talking to people and they remember certain historical events much differently than I do. I'd love to expand on that, but I don't remember exactly what we were talking about at the time so chances are I'm just going senile early.

So, did C-3PO always have a silver leg?

The Question

The C-3PO having a silver leg thing, I remember that, too. Wasn't that after the thing where Chewbacca had to carry him around in pieces in a backpack for a while, but Chewie grabbed a silver leg because he didn't give a shit, so 3PO had to wear a silver leg until they found the one that was actually his?