Be patient till the last.
oh, so do I. I dont have any though. 
Ily, did you mean to write should not be deficient in lime? Cuz my understanding was they thrive in limestone (sweeter) soils? I cant say from personal experience, but this what someone who grows gardenias wrote about her plants:
"...often have leaves that yellow and drop off. It's just old age (senescence is the correct term). The leaf has reached its use by date. If there are odd ones and it's not a general yellowing of the shrub, then it's certainly this. Overall yellowing is nutrition deficiency and can be fixed with a good dose of dolomite. "
dolomite's a form of limestone, isnt it?

Ily, did you mean to write should not be deficient in lime? Cuz my understanding was they thrive in limestone (sweeter) soils? I cant say from personal experience, but this what someone who grows gardenias wrote about her plants:
"...often have leaves that yellow and drop off. It's just old age (senescence is the correct term). The leaf has reached its use by date. If there are odd ones and it's not a general yellowing of the shrub, then it's certainly this. Overall yellowing is nutrition deficiency and can be fixed with a good dose of dolomite. "
dolomite's a form of limestone, isnt it?