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The MF'n Garden thread

oh, so do I. I dont have any though. :(

Ily, did you mean to write should not be deficient in lime? Cuz my understanding was they thrive in limestone (sweeter) soils? I cant say from personal experience, but this what someone who grows gardenias wrote about her plants:

"...often have leaves that yellow and drop off. It's just old age (senescence is the correct term). The leaf has reached its use by date. If there are odd ones and it's not a general yellowing of the shrub, then it's certainly this. Overall yellowing is nutrition deficiency and can be fixed with a good dose of dolomite. "

dolomite's a form of limestone, isnt it?

ok, I went to check at
This is the scoop according to them:

Work the soil prior to planting gardenias. Use the spade to break up the soil down to a depth of approximately 6 inches and add 2 to 3 inches of compost to the top of the soil. Work the compost into the soil with the spade. Gardenias prefer a soil pH balance of 5.0 to 6.5. Consider testing the pH balance of your soil prior to planting gardenias. If your soil pH level is over 7.0, you may have difficulty growing gardenias successfully. Planting gardenias in containers may be a better option in this situation. If your soil pH is less than 5.0, amend with limestone to raise the pH level of the soil slightly.

Hrmmm, well this is an old gardenia bush, probably been there for 15 years or more. I do have a bag of garden lime, maybe I could sprinkle some on the ground around it OR SOMETHING. The last couple years I have had trouble with soot on the leaves.. I think it's some kind of mold. This year the leaves are turning yellow, and it's too early in the year for it to be caused by old age, IMO!
I have had nothing but rain and cold rain. The honey suckles began to bloom slightly one day now they appear ruined due to lack of sunshine. Nothing is growing and I am sad. Next year a green house.
I am currently in a place that opted for a garage in place of a back yard, and my front yard is a postage stamp. While I enjoy not scraping snow or getting into a boiling hot summer vehicle, I do miss the opportunity to play in the dirt...
ok, I went to check at
This is the scoop according to them:

Work the soil prior to planting gardenias. Use the spade to break up the soil down to a depth of approximately 6 inches and add 2 to 3 inches of compost to the top of the soil. Work the compost into the soil with the spade. Gardenias prefer a soil pH balance of 5.0 to 6.5. Consider testing the pH balance of your soil prior to planting gardenias. If your soil pH level is over 7.0, you may have difficulty growing gardenias successfully. Planting gardenias in containers may be a better option in this situation. If your soil pH is less than 5.0, amend with limestone to raise the pH level of the soil slightly.


hm, interesting. All I can think of reg. our different sources is that they are based on soils with different ph values to start with.
I am going to try and explain what I meant a bit more detailed (lol, as if I'm able to do that :D ):
if you take the ph value of 7.0 to be neutral, 5.0 to 6.5 is more acidic, 7.5 would be more alkaline (meaning: containing more lime). So the first step for Cassie to do is to check the ph value of the gardenia's soil. If it is (as the source in C2's post said) below 5.0 to 6.5, add (a little, doesn't take much!) limestone or any alkalic fertilizer unitl you reach the optimal pH value. If the pH is above said 5.0 to 6.5, you do the exact opposite: add some peat or other rotten organic material (no, not your neighbor. That is deeply frowned upon in gardening circles. Believe me, I've tried.)

Does that sound a bit more logical?
The gardenia seems to be perking right up. I didn't test the soil, cuz that is too fancy pants for me. What I did was add mulch all around it, two or three scoops of garden lime, and a gallon of 15-30-15 fertilizer. Hopefully if I did anything bad I evened it out with something else!
^rofl, that's exactly the way I usually do stuff in my garden, too. Of course, the more I learn about them, the more I am getting fond of herbs and plants that colonize my garden without my doing (read that as: weeds are taking over), so it's not like I actually have to do a lot of gardening these days. My lazyness and their proliferation = a perfect match.
LOL - we have a saying up here:
one gardener's weed is another's true. One of my clients always has me digging out her buttercups, and I love mine [and proudly display them in my house as cut flowers too]. It breaks my heart.
I have wild poinsettias growing in the yard, found out the peanut farmers call them weeds!
We planted a lot of cucumbers and zucchini this year and are hoping they get to producing before the boring things that kill them every year find out what's up.
SON OF A BITCH! Two of my bell pepper plants kicked the bucket for no apparent reason. :rwmad:
How do you plant your herbs?

I recently obtained a lemon mint plant.
I could plant it anywhere.
I prefer to plant my herbs in containers rather than in the ground.
Containers are easily re-located and I trust the soil better than the ground soil (don't ask)
I have one container with parsley, chives and thai basil. I almost added it there but realized the chives overpowered the beautiful minty smell.
One container is too big for just the lemon mint plant........
I have another container with lavendar-not so sure that is a good idea-one you eat, one you don't.
Should I plant mint and lemon mint together?


I thought that I bought 18 cabbages, and 18 collard greens. TURNS OUT I bought 27 cabbages and 9 collards. I will have cabbages coming out of my MF'n ears.