The Mine Field - Where alleged adults act like 14 year old girls at the mall.

Lawrence Connor

New Member
Well observed. It's always been like that. You learn how to work within it, or you sit playing with yourself in the dribble forum for months. That's what happened last time, remember.

It appears most of those hats you wear have high lead content, because you seem to be partially brain damaged. Please try not to get too much drool over the forum whilst your work your way back to Daycare, there's a good prick.

Suck a dick bitch.

Jackasses who have sites when that's the only thing that gives you any power or control over anything in your pathetic life.

At this point your move will be to take your ball and go home, twat.

Ban me as if it matters, you little bitch.


Lawrence Connor

New Member
Well observed. It's always been like that. You learn how to work within it, or you sit playing with yourself in the dribble forum for months. That's what happened last time, remember.

It appears most of those hats you wear have high lead content, because you seem to be partially brain damaged. Please try not to get too much drool over the forum whilst your work your way back to Daycare, there's a good prick.

Oh - I can't be bothered to address the rest of what you added whilst I was replying. It seems to be as interesting as a bucket of Boy George's faeces. Catch you around, Lawrie, you fucking numpty.

Jackasses who claim they didn't even read your posts are worth precisely zero respect or status.


I have no power to ban you, dipshit. I'm happy to see you out of the Knobber's Forum, but when your first objective when you're let out after months is to start posting the sort of stuff that got you in there in the first place, it doesn't take a genius to tell that the Connor Power Bulb is just a little bit dim.

Now, Go fuck a rhino.

Lawrence Connor

New Member
I have no power to ban you, dipshit. I'm happy to see you out of the Knobber's Forum, but when your first objective when you're let out after months is to start posting the sort of stuff that got you in there in the first place, it doesn't take a genius to tell that the Connor Power Bulb is just a little bit dim.

Now, Go fuck a rhino.

You're such a dipshit yourself to realize that no such negative reaction to this thread is actually needed for any damn reason, and if there wasn't any such reaction to this thread, there would precisely jack and shit (nothing) wrong with that, or nothing as any negative result for this board, other than maybe even a few more hits to here from SE results for this thread, which isn't negative results at all.

Lawrence Connor

New Member
I have no power to ban you, dipshit. I'm happy to see you out of the Knobber's Forum, but when your first objective when you're let out after months is to start posting the sort of stuff that got you in there in the first place, it doesn't take a genius to tell that the Connor Power Bulb is just a little bit dim.

Now, Go fuck a rhino.

Just because you don't like this stuff doesn't mean a damned thing, sack of shit.


Carry on filling the thread with your dire effluent then. Fill your boots, pockets, own mouth and drown in it. And see if you can do it without quoting this post at least twice.

Lawrence Connor

New Member
I have no power to ban you, dipshit. I'm happy to see you out of the Knobber's Forum, but when your first objective when you're let out after months is to start posting the sort of stuff that got you in there in the first place, it doesn't take a genius to tell that the Connor Power Bulb is just a little bit dim.

Now, Go fuck a rhino.

Who cares if anything from themselves on here has to pass your fucking acceptance or approval, asswipe? You don't like it? Great! Eat shit!


Not bad Larry. You've replied to that one three times now. Come on, keep up. I know there's not much upstairs, but you really should be trying harder.

Lawrence Connor

New Member
Carry on filling the thread with your dire effluent then. Fill your boots, pockets, own mouth and drown in it. And see if you can do it without quoting this post at least twice.


Lawrence Connor

New Member
Not bad Larry. You've replied to that one three times now. Come on, keep up. I know there's not much upstairs, but you really should be trying harder.

Keep working my cock with your mouth, soon I will dump my sperm load in your mouth if you wanna keep it up. How does my cock taste? Do you want to taste and swallow my semen, too?

Lawrence Connor

New Member
I have no power to ban you, dipshit. I'm happy to see you out of the Knobber's Forum, but when your first objective when you're let out after months is to start posting the sort of stuff that got you in there in the first place, it doesn't take a genius to tell that the Connor Power Bulb is just a little bit dim.

Now, Go fuck a rhino.

It's called being a troll. This is a troll board, idiot.

I TROLLED YOU, because You reacted with asinine bullshit to this thread.



Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Lawrence Connor sounds surprisingly like Jack.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
