Troll Kingdom

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The Nature Of Trolling...


This is kind of a tangent to 6's thread on the legalities of what comes down to trolling.

Having spent a very short while in the belly of the beast, I find the whole concept intriguing, yet disturbing.

I hear some people say they troll because of a board's draconian rules. However, I ask don't those boards also have the right to their own personal brand of free speech? You might not agree with how a board is run, but what gives you the right to upset their apple cart?

Personal trolling, and the publication of personal info: I've seen this little diddy in action from a lot of different angles. What motivates one to harrass someone to the point of intruding on RL? How is their no guilt associated with the prospect of interfering with someone else's RL?

My time in the belly illuminated me to various relationships on this board, also. I was surprised by the relationships that were underneath what the public views. There are affiliations, past and present, that the average joe would not be able to discern just by reading posts. If this thread were not sso public, i would love to ask questions about those, also. ;)

Anyway, I guess I'm just the curious sort. Please feel free to contribute in any way you see fit... :)
Sometimes the education of a collective people using an unpopular ideal is considered trolling.

But it's not in my case. If enough people really understand the idea behind National Socialism, then the US will become the country it was meant to be.
I hate these threads because I always feel I have to find noble intentions in trolling and maybe sex it up a little too.

So what are you asking?
I don't know. I guess I'm just curious as to what motivates one to troll. There are no wrong answers. Whatever your personal story is, it's the right one for you.
Oh that’s easy.

I’m evil… but really I just sort of fell into trolling and my part of the TK community.

As for what motivates me, just look at ExIsle. Almost every decision and new rule they made has been a mistake and done through reactionary thinking. There’s a satisfaction in pushing them in a direction and rubbing their noses in it afterwards. Now they’re at a point where they have to ignore their own rules to keep from warning and suspending their own users.
Honestly, I have looked at Ex Isle. It is a strict board.


Maybe the community there likes it that way. Why go in and change things according to how you think the board should be run? Let people build the communities they are most comfortable in.

Just playing Devil's Advocate, BTW. No judgment is implied....
If that’s the way they want to steer the board I’ll let them, and even encourage it sometimes.

During the last Guidelines ratification at ExIsle the staff completely reworked the rules in order to give the staff far more freedoms and the membership a much smaller say in how the board is run and handled. I purposely limited my criticisms because these tighter rules actually advanced the troll agenda.

ExIsle was and still is a campaign of bringing in something new seeing the reactions then bringing up something else based on those previous reactions.

In a sense we are letting them build the community they want, it’s just not the community they really want.
Thank you for clarifying that.

Next, harder question.

Loyalties. This concept fascinates me. From what I've observed, except in very rare cases, loyalties change as often as the wind blows. How does one choose which troll "faction" to be loyal to? Is it whoever has the most fun? Whoever is the most effective? Whoever has the closest trolling style to your own?

Again, not judging, and not asking you to divulge any secrets. I really want to try and understand the whole thing. And I think it makes for an interesting, relevant discussion.
Currently there isn’t really a troll faction on TK. Its just Darth, RobL, CU and I.

Anyway the short answer is there really aren’t any loyalties. The long answer being that our loyalties only lay within ourselves. Sure we might try to assist our fellow trolls during a campaign or circle the wagons when Missmanners brings the next batch of morons to the board, but when that’s not going on we’re perfectly happy flaming and baiting each other and we don’t have a problem with that.

With no loyalties there’s no grudges, at least I hope there’s no grudges.
GTC, that is a very interesting perspective. Thank you for being so honest.

So what you're saying is, when it comes down to it, you can't trust any troll not to behave out of self interest. Very interesting.
Friday said:
GTC, that is a very interesting perspective. Thank you for being so honest.

So what you're saying is, when it comes down to it, you can't trust any troll not to behave out of self interest.

Yeah pretty much. Trolling requires you to think about yourself. How you’re going to interact and what role you wish to play in a community, most of all making sure you don’t get burned in the process unless it’s a spectacular display.

Everything in trolling relates to how it affects me. That’s where the self-interest comes from.
Have there ever been any really successful troll boards, ala Troller's Gill or Infernal Garrison? I understand those were successful for awhile, then folded for various and sundry reasons.

Or does the nature of trolling automatically prohibit a long running, cohesive community? It seems that the lack of trust, and constantly looking over your shoulder would make it extremely difficult to maintain such a board.
Friday said:
It seems that the lack of trust, and constantly looking over your shoulder would make it extremely difficult to maintain such a board.

That is why there are duals. Its not about trust, it may be about one up manship.
If one fails, then one creates a new persona in hopes to win back favor, or in hopes to get revenge.
I guess that doesn't answer the question about boards themselves-I don't have any experience there.
I think the openess here of being able to create countless accounts and re-register myself is what drives me crazy-because I don't know if the last 5 people I just met are actually one.
I think that would be the whole nature of a Troll board tho-and the entertainment of it.
As far as trolling other places-well unfortunately some places have left themselves open to trolls-and therefore its as if they bring it on themselves. If they wish to not be bothered by such people then they need to keep a tighter reign on their own membership etc etc-such as Exile (sp?).
I guess I am saying its a risk the others take. And that is what the trolls look for is that weakness.
Friday said:
Have there ever been any really successful troll boards, ala Troller's Gill or Infernal Garrison? I understand those were successful for awhile, then folded for various and sundry reasons.

Or does the nature of trolling automatically prohibit a long running, cohesive community? It seems that the lack of trust, and constantly looking over your shoulder would make it extremely difficult to maintain such a board.

Trolling is a game -- and one of the names of the game is, "Change The Rules." Everything about a good troll (the word 'troll' here referring not just to the operator but to the operation, as well) is dynamic -- you have to be ready, at the drop of a hat, to change anything or everything about any or all facets of your persona, or your approach to the target, the target itself, or the material you're bringing to bear, in order to most fully confuse, frustrate or irritate your target.

Now, that can have what appear to be completely opposite effects, simultaneously. First, it can (and sadly often does) create an atmosphere of distrust and resentment. But, it can also create an atmosphere of light-hearted, good-natured fun. Which one results with each individual person depends on how seriously they take online happenings. And, really, as long as the troll is within the boundaries of the law, there should never be any genuine reason for the former reaction. That's part of why mm posted those rules, of course -- not just to keep the administration and our hosts out of hot water, but as a way to ensure that what the majority of people take away from this board is the fun, and not the resentment. (With the exception of those who by their misplaced seriousness set out to earn the sour side of the game, that is.)
Friday, you're Pthalo Bluemoon right? Can't take a step without stepping into 6's shit. That makes this thread ironically hilarious.

Yes, I am.

And no, you're wrong. Pthalo BlueMoon existed long before Number_6, and probably will continue to exist long after, m'dear.

I'm just truly interested in finding out how people's minds work. What motivates them to do the things they do.
One more thing, jack. There are facets of my online life that never merge with Number_6's. You're mistaking genuine respect and friendship for something else entirely.
Friday said:
Have there ever been any really successful troll boards, ala Troller's Gill or Infernal Garrison? I understand those were successful for awhile, then folded for various and sundry reasons.

Or does the nature of trolling automatically prohibit a long running, cohesive community? It seems that the lack of trust, and constantly looking over your shoulder would make it extremely difficult to maintain such a board.

TQ answered this pretty well but I might as well chip in too.

The simple problem is there aren’t really enough trolls out there to maintain a healthy community while keeping the focus on trolling alone. Troll Kingdom has and will remain an active community but GFHH has a rather small group of regular posters compared to some of the forums on the board. Despite the name I don’t consider TK a troll board.

Its not the nature of trolling itself that prevents a troll community from forming, it’s the people who tend to start them. Instead of taking the TK route of free and easy moderation and management people who start troll boards tend to simply be a different shade of what we’re trolling against. The administrator of a forum being trolled may honestly believe its in the best interests of his/her community to ban at the drop of a hat, but a troll who starts his/her own forum will simply edit and ban users for shits and giggles.

It should also be mentioned that trolls don’t usually actively search for troll boards. Instead most trolls have a home community that they actively participate in.
You ask why one trolls? Because being mean is fun. Why pretend it's something else? You get to be horribly mean and not be held accountable.
Laker_Girl said:
You ask why one trolls? Because being mean is fun. Why pretend it's something else? You get to be horribly mean and not be held accountable.
