...I wanna change it. Suggestions are:
We, the citizens of the Badlands, declare this Spamstitution law. These are the guidelines for the selection of the citizens and moderators within this forum.
Sounds good, needed clarification.
1. There is a master list of those who are citizens ('Citizen's List) and this list may only be updated by missmanners or the current moderators.
2. redundant
Yes it was redundant, but it was necessary. Perhaps it should read like this?
1. There is a master list of those who are citizens and this list may only be updated by missmanners or the current moderators.
A) Those members who are on the master list of citizens are the only citizens. No exceptions.
The added and somewhat redundant verbiage is to prevent loopholes.
3. New citizens may be added before the next election.
A) Only valid and current citizens may nominate another poster for citizenship.
Agreed, clarification is good.
C) Citizens added between elections have no vouchers to add other citizens until the completion of the current moderator election
Again, agreed, clarification is good.
D) A minimum of three citizens may petition to overturn a nomination for a new citizen. The decision ('Citizenship Vote') will be made by the current moderators. The decision has to be made unanimously within one week. Any discussion between the moderators pertaining to the nomination of a new citizen has to be made in public. If after said week there is no consent reached, the nomination counts as overturned.
No. It removes the ability of the public to hate on a single person and gives too much voting power to the mods. Also, getting more than one person in this forum to agree completely on one thing is next to impossible. Getting three elected people to agree unanimously is astronomically impossible. So, just plain N O.
G) Citizenship Votes will be held seven days prior to every second election.
See above. No.
H) Once a new citizen has been added to the official list of citizens, they can only be removed in adherence of the procedure as given in §5.
This is more of a footnote than an actual statement, nix'd.
5. Those citizens who emigrate from the Badlands can be stricken from the list of grandfathered citizens [strike]by a majority yes/no vote.[/strike]The decision ('Emigration Vote')will be made by the current moderators. The decision has to be made unanimously within one week. Any discussion between the moderators pertaining to the emigration of a citizen has to be made in public. If after said week there is no consent reached, the nomination counts as overturned.
Again, this gives too much power to the mods and will also cause a standstill in decisions. Majority votes by the badlanders themselves works MUCH better than a unanimous vote by mods.
C) Each citizen may only nominate one citizen to be stricken from the Citizen's List every other election.
Again, no. It doesn't allow for the expeditious removal of unused accounts.
E) A minimum of three citizens may petition to overturn a nomination for an Emigration. The decision ('Emigration Vote') will be made by the current moderators. The decision has to be made unanimously within one week. Any discussion between the moderators pertaining to the nomination of a new citizen has to be made in public. If after said week there is no consent reached, the nomination counts as overturned.
Standstills are not a good thing. Nothing will be accomplished and one person with three accounts can abuse the living shit out of this. Essentially, nobody would
ever be removed from the citizens list.
6. There will be one permanent and two temporary Badlands Moderators at any given time.
7. The permanent moderator is appointed by missmanners. The term of office for the permanent moderator will be as long as missmanners dictates or until the person holding said office resigns.
These are additions to the existing rules and should be amended to an existing rule or added near the bottom of the list.
17. The Badlands moderators will dictate the policies and rules of the Badlands. In order to pass, change, or delete a policy or rule of the Badlands ('Change of Rules'), all three moderators have to publicly vote for/against said Change of Rules. The decision has to be made unanimously. If after one week, consent has not been reached, the Change of Rules counts as rejected.
See Article 20:
20. We
(meaning the public of the Badlands, not the mods or admins) withhold the right to amend this Spamstitution at a later date, should the need arise.
There's my two cents.
If you want to talk about how certain things can be streamlined, I'll be happy to participate. If you want this
republic turned into an empirical serfdom, you can count me out.