The real tragedy of Obama as president...


Zombie Hunter
...if any other President had been in office when we got bin Ladin, his head would be in a jar under the desk at the Oval Office, like Zorro's brother in the Banderas Zorro movie.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Please. I don't get this bullshit.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
you think voting isn't a deterrent?

The Question

The biggest tragedy of Obama as President has been for Obama and the Democrats. They wanted an audition. They got it. They showed us all what they can do, and what they can do is fuck up this country from scalp to soles.


beer, I want beer
The reall biggest tragedy is that the white house is all stretched out now and can never really be satisfied with an average sized white prick in office ever again.


Zombie Hunter
This is 2015. There's supposed to be flying Deloreans, hoverboards, and kitchen gadget fusion reactors. Thanks Obama.


RIP 1970~2018
You don't have a kitchen gadget fusion reactor?

Ever heard of Amazon? Fucking hillbilly.

The Question
