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The so-called "Social Contract"

So, the "social contract" of which you are complaining is the government taking of funds from your paycheck to fund social programs.

A. You don't have a paycheck.

B. You are reaping the benefit of such programs.

You would probably feel differently about the social contract if you were getting more than an $844 monthly award and were guaranteed the sum for the rest of your life with costs of living raises.

You can opt out of the program. You can quit taking the award. You can stay off the streets and sidewalks. You can not use the water, sewer, or sanitation systems. You can work only for people who will pay you off the books. You can throw away your driver's license and any other state/county identification. You can also move to a country that does not provide in any way, shape, or form for its citizens.

When you use public funded facilities and programs you are agreeing to and benefitting from the social contract.

All of that boils down to, "You have no choice but to use it, so you'd better like it and defend it."

Nope. I see it for what it is, and it's rotten, and I'm going to say so. If somebody walked up to you, knocked you down, sat on you and force fed you a cheeseburger, no sane person would expect you to like and defend such an assault. The "social contract" is the same thing. It's not a contract, and you don't agree to it simply by virtue of having it inflicted on you.
Dear Saint,
I don't feel like arguing the subject with you. Donovan and Gear said it very well and I agree with them.

My vacation and holiday are coming to a close. My male friend just went back to his house 200 miles away and I probably won't see him again until Christmas. While the more than 30 prescriptions my daughter is on is keeping her alive she is somewhat psycho from the side effects and it is hard to deal with some times. I'm going to drink some chilled red while I listen to Adele and work my latest jigsaw puzzle depicting a staircase to Shangri-La - it is quiet beautiful.

Feel free to continue to seek someone to argue with over your minor issue. I'm out.
I don't know Susie.

Adele has a powerful voice but only one good song on the whole CD. Think I'll tune the mountain dulcimer and see what Christmasy music I can find.

Continue to belabor your point sans Susie. Pale breasts are of no interest to me after the initial "look at that" surprise factor.
This is a basic truth:

Does your argument apply to all economic classes?

I think the people who want things for free should give their services and goods for free also.
I don't think anyone should be told they either have to or cannot give goods and/or services for free. It ought to be voluntary.
I think I see some common ground starting to thaw though here.

Basically, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you guys are saying the same thing here.

In other words, if you only own one horse you shouldn't expect your neighbors to support you if you want to be a race car driver or a model. And if you're a race car driver or a model, you shouldn't take it personally if someone wants you to buy them a horse. Because although you have no particular affinity for horses, you almost certainly have neighbors. Which makes you yourself a neighbor. And isn't that what it's really all about anyway?

I know I certainly wouldn't mind living next to a model. Horse or no horse.

Potato, potahto folks.

No need to bicker.
Uh... no. No, that's not it at all. My point is that charity is great -- it's divine, frankly -- but it ought to be voluntary. It ought to be because somebody chooses to help. Freely. Not under coercion. Not under duress. And if they don't? Then they don't. Then nobody comes along and points submachine guns at them and makes them do it, if they don't want to.

Yes, I'm in a shit spot in life, and I sort of have no choice but to rely on charity, but that doesn't mean I am in any way obligated to defend people who kick down doors with Schmeisse machine guns and start screaming at other people in German and STEAL what they've got.

I'm fucking hard up, but I don't want THAT propping me up. And that's what ALL government-FORCED "charity" is.

That's what ALL government-FORCED "charity" is.

I don't want that. I don't want it done that way. I don't.

And I sure as FUCK don't want that shit fucking LIED about. That's fucking NOT any social fucking contract.

You didn't get TOLD that shit before you were subject to it. You don't get to fucking opt out of that shit. It's FUCKING NOT A FUCKING CONTRACT.

Now, you may be a fucking PUSSY, you may be a fucking COWARD, or you may be a fucking MONSTER without a fucking CONSCIENCE, but you know good and god damned fucking well that nobody AGREED to that shit before they were harnessed with it.

It's not a fucking contract. Evidence, besides the fact that you're not allowed to opt out, is that the government's part in it has no terms under which they have breached it.

A contract goes two ways, not one way.

The so-called "social contract" goes only one way. You have to let government steal from you. That's what government gets out of it.

Well, what the fuck do YOU get out of it? Huh? And what happens when government fucking fails to deliver?

Nothing. Fucking nothing happens.

That's not how a fucking 'contract' works, now, is it.

Stop fucking lying to yourself about this shit. Just. Fucking Stop it.
Exactly. Every defense of this so called contract basically boils down to "I'm too mother fucking chicken shit to object to it."

Well, fucking stop it. Stop being fucking chicken. It's WRONG. It's fucking WRONG. So fucking object to it.

That's not just your right as a free human being. It's an obligation. Fucking speak up.

I may be in a spot in life, right now, where I have to depend on the shit, but that doesn't make me a slave to it, obligated to defend it. I fucking know it's wrong. I fucking know it's evil. So depending on it or not, I'm speaking up and saying, honestly and forthrightly, that it's fucking wrong.
Yep. I think of it like this - It's Paul, Mary AND Peter agree Peter ought not get robbed then Peter gets paid to help Paul with the dishes.

A voluntary tri-lateral dictate if you will.
I lived next to a model once. He was weird and he wasn't all that great looking with his clothes on. But, strip him naked and prance him around a few minutes, it would become obvious why he was a highly paid underwear model.

The problem with him was he wanted to borrow our other neighbor's horse all the time. The other neighbor was obliging because the dude was a highly paid underwear model with good cause. What else would you do? Right? Be neighborly, keep the peace, be kind, and all that. But, when the horse got pregnant, all easy and peaceful neighborliness came to a halt. Being weird is okay up to a point. When you can impregnate a stud, model underwear for a good cause or not, you've got to move out of the neighborhood.