The Troll Kingdom Story Thread.

The Question

Is just waitin' on you to get it rollin'. You know what you've gotta do. :)

The Question

And as of now, it is in the werx. Scrivener will be the composition app, waiting on details to get it rolling. Each successive scene will be posted here.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I just sent the plot development. Just a sketch to help you get started.


Can someone sticky this thread?

No sense letting Saint's hard work get lost in the crowd...


U mad 'bro?
Are you getting PAID for this?

Or are you pissing away your skills for Free?

Quality is in the price.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
He may need help plotting.

You get involved in that and I'm askin' for my money back.

This is Saint Jack production. Not a blindgroping suddenly shows up out of the woodwork production :D

and it won't need to be "stickied" since TKR now controls the Tea Room.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Are you getting PAID for this?

Or are you pissing away your skills for Free?

Quality is in the price.

And yes, he's getting paid for it.

That's why it's going to be filled with chewy goodness.

The Question

Not much here yet -- as I explained to Jack, I'm also working on a 30 page research paper right now, so this story has to play second-fiddle until that's finished. (The paper is due tomorrow night by midnight.) But to prove that the story is getting some attention, here's what I have so far:

Heavy boots make a lot of noise. That’s why he chose them. The sound each one made as he put a foot down on each rickety wooden step thrilled him. Well, not the sound itself -- the look he imagined on her face. The beads of sweat rolling down her forehead, the crow’s-feet at the corners of those muddy brown eyes. The furrow and slight lift of her brow. A low whimper sounded from the darkness of the corner and he felt a shudder of raw pleasure rocket through his limbs and hitch his breathing.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Take your time. Take all the time you need actually :D


King of Sarcasm
I wonder if I will get a mention.


U mad 'bro?
TQ!!! make it true to life and have Jack and a little girl in it!!!!!!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I wonder if I will get a mention.

Would you like to be in it? It's called "The Lady In The Basement", and so far it's pretty fucking awesome.

I've decided to not have it posted here at all though, but will let interested parties see it by PM invite only.

But he's a GREAT fucking writer, especially when juiced with a little cash and understands the idea perfectly.


U mad 'bro?
Pay a tall chick to scissorlock him and you'll get a novel.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

Would you like to be in it? It's called "The Lady In The Basement", and so far it's pretty fucking awesome.

I've decided to not have it posted here at all though, but will let interested parties see it by PM invite only.

But he's a GREAT fucking writer, especially when juiced with a little cash and understands the idea perfectly.

Switching all further installments to PM only. Glad I checked this, now I know where to (and where not to) post it.