The Worst Job You've Ever Had...


I've had a couple, but the one that springs to mind is a nursing assistant at a nursing home. My first night on the job, some old guy died, and I had to help with the tagging and wrapping. All I kept thinking about was that someone had made a mistake, and he's going to wake up in a bodybag.

That was creepy. I only lasted a couple of weeks at that one.

So. What was yours?


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
I took customer service calls for Verizon Wireless. I wasn't employed by Verizon, but by a third party company that specialized in inbound call centers.

You have no idea what hell is until you work on the phones for a month.

A few of my memorable calls:

A woman called me and immediately started yelling because her answering machine message at her house had changed to a message she tried to leave on her machine while she was on vacation. Because she used her vzw phone, she blamed the change on that, and wanted me to fix it. Not something I can do, since I don't have magical controls over the electronics in her house.

Another woman called requesting that I download a Michael Jackson song on her phone shortly after he died. She wanted it set as a ring tone. I politely told her (with a supervisor standing right next to me) that I cannot remotely download anything to her phone as SHE has to personally accept the terms and conditions. She exploded at me, telling me that the person she had before did it for her. I again reminded her that it's not possible (and it really isn't) and offered to walk her through it. By this time, she was screaming for a supervisor. My friend was standing next to me and could hear every word she said. She took the sup call for me, during which the woman told her that I was extremely rude and that I had lied to her. She ended up hanging up before anything could be resolved. Funny thing was, I looked back in her history, and she had called before requesting a ringtone and been told that it couldn't be done.

I took another call from an extremely frantic woman who was being questioned by the cops in relation to text message harassment. This woman had changed her number some months before because she was receiving harassing calls, and someone that she knew had been given that number and was using it to threaten the lives of children. And I mean saying things like they were going to go in and shoot up a school. She was at the police station when I talked to her, and she wanted me to tell the cops that she didn't have the number. I told her that I'd be happy to, but the cops wouldn't take the call. They needed to hear it from vzw's legal department, and it just so happened that it was a long weekend and they weren't going to be in for a few days. The call ended with the woman bawling about how they were going to take away her kid because they thought she was a threat to her.

The most interesting thing I witnessed, though, was a series of calls a friend had. He called an elderly woman probably 20 times over the series of a month, helping her straighten out her plan, find a phone that she could use, and anything else imaginable. They ended up having such a rapport that the woman wanted his address so that she could send him some things for the baby he and his girlfriend were having. Against company policy, he wrote down her address, and as far as I know, they still keep in contact.

My main problem was the incessant bitching. I'm a really sarcastic person, and it was extremely hard for me not to make snarky remarks to people when they were being utterly stupid. In the end, it turns out that there are some things that you cannot pay me to do. I was good at it (our calls got scored for quality control, and even though I was new, I was in the top 10% in the building) but the stress of having to take abuse and not give it back got to me. I was actually physically ill for a while, and decided that I had enough.


Pinata Whacker
I feel your pain. I currently work for a third party company that does customer satisfaction surveys for Verizon. Its not a good sign when your actually sad that they decided not to go through with the layoffs in January.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I can't say I've got a worst job.


Retired Account
i was an escort...


Is this real life?
Three weeks at Dunkin' Donuts. Found out I'm not cut out for the fast paced world of fast food.

Ironically, partly as a result of fast food, I guess?


moral imperfection
My main problem was the incessant bitching. I'm a really sarcastic person, and it was extremely hard for me not to make snarky remarks to people when they were being utterly stupid.
Yup, same here, that's why I always knew there's no future for me in customer care. The one job I had with direct customer contact was different in as much as my boss at the video rental found it completely ok for me to snark as much as I want. He always had my back and laughed his ass off when I managed to piss off the most obnoxious people... and they all came back eventually :D

Tragically, my worst job was also the one I had longest. Ten years with a boss who's a complete moron with no respect, no clue, no brain.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
It's a toss up between my job as hostess at Steak and Ale, and my job as a collector for Discover Card.

At Steak and Ale, the management was so... I don't know, ICKY. They thought that serving steaks was the most important job EVAR, or something. It was all a little too over dramatic and silly to my more practical nature.

I am just not cut out to be a bill collector. People tell you their sad stories, I felt too much sympathy. I was just too nice, and didn't meet my collection quotas. This was back when Discover first split from Sears and still did their own collecting. I think some other company collects for them now.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Yup, same here, that's why I always knew there's no future for me in customer care. The one job I had with direct customer contact was different in as much as my boss at the video rental found it completely ok for me to snark as much as I want. He always had my back and laughed his ass off when I managed to piss off the most obnoxious people... and they all came back eventually :D

Tragically, my worst job was also the one I had longest. Ten years with a boss who's a complete moron with no respect, no clue, no brain.

Now, I'm really fine when I'm face to face with people. I worked in a pharmacy, and there were only one or two times when I had a problem with a customer, and generally it wasn't because of something I did.

People are a lot more understanding face to face. I guess they feel like you're less likely to lie to them.

Oh, and and interesting tidbit about Verizon Wireless: The stores are completely useless. Giving credits for anything - including their own mistakes - goes against their bottom line. So they'll tell you that they can't give you the credit there, and call customer care to do it for them. That way, they make the customer happy while not actually doing a damn thing. If you have a problem, it's actually a lot easier for you to just call customer service and have them fix it. And DO NOT go to a non-Verizon vzw dealer - some place like Walmart or Best Buy. A lot of the problems I had with stores had to do with people who went to them to get a phone started up, and they messed something up.


Pinata Whacker
I am just not cut out to be a bill collector. People tell you their sad stories, I felt too much sympathy. I was just too nice, and didn't meet my collection quotas. This was back when Discover first split from Sears and still did their own collecting. I think some other company collects for them now.

Same reason I didn't last as a tax collector.


Retired Account
it was too taxing.


Retired Account
I did i have never done that before, bit like a tax return form.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
State Administrator at Aflac's California South East State Office. I just did not fit in. They were party all the time, smoke, drink and be unprofessional and I am the consummate professional. I absolutely LOVE/D everyone at Aflac HQ and most of the agents I worked with but my boss didn't even know how to pronounce my last name and I'd worked there for 6 months. Needless to say, he and I did not click. I went home crying every single day for at least the first 3 months and was anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes late every single day because I dreaded going to work...I think I even prayed for sweet, sweet death at one point.

It's not a bad job if you are an adult and still enjoy high school antics but me, I like to do my job and to not have to worry about liver disease, lung cancer, and blacking out after lunch with the office staff. Call me crazy.

I will say this...And this is to cover my ass but it is true...My boss was a very, very nice guy and his wife was an absolute doll. My boss was also, incredibly intelligent and a very smart business man but he always treated me like I was an idiot which is despised. I was looking forward to proving him very wrong when he handed over the business portion of his business to me but then laid me off before I could get his things in order...The economy you know. I suspect it had more to do with the Aflac lifer child he brought on from a different office than the economy. It's okay, she'll be at Aflac until the day she dies doing that mindless garbage and I'll move on to greater things as I always do. Bitter? Probably but more disgusted than anything.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I would say it was a tossup between being an appointment setter for American Frozen Foods, or working as a baggage handler for American Airlines.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Now, I'm really fine when I'm face to face with people. I worked in a pharmacy, and there were only one or two times when I had a problem with a customer, and generally it wasn't because of something I did.

People are a lot more understanding face to face. I guess they feel like you're less likely to lie to them.

Oh, and and interesting tidbit about Verizon Wireless: The stores are completely useless. Giving credits for anything - including their own mistakes - goes against their bottom line. So they'll tell you that they can't give you the credit there, and call customer care to do it for them. That way, they make the customer happy while not actually doing a damn thing. If you have a problem, it's actually a lot easier for you to just call customer service and have them fix it. And DO NOT go to a non-Verizon vzw dealer - some place like Walmart or Best Buy. A lot of the problems I had with stores had to do with people who went to them to get a phone started up, and they messed something up.

What's it like being a farmer?


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Patrolling the California Science Centre telling people not to take pictures or lean on the glass. Four hours per shift, not allowed to sit down or anything.


Ugh. You guys really have some war stories.

Caco--my nephew was a third party operator for Blue Cross, so I know what you went thru.