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rAre two of the dirtiest people on this board. I did get that much out of the records I have.

I wanted to like you "Danielle" lol.............there are two people who used to be on this board who HATED the two of you with a venom I have never seen. My instincts always told me there was a good reason for it. There is a HIGH probability TheQuestion is the person who commissioned Steve to do his dirty work, Tamar used "HER" influence with dirty TN officials. They (its a Tennessee thang) are all squealing like DIRTY pigs in order to save themselves right now. Do you BOYS think the D.A. is going to risk prison for you?? Nah........

JAG..........I guess I should have given them a better spin on this whole thing, I wanted to believe it wasn't true for a long time but I knew the last two weeks. It's the reason Dawn steered me clear of you.......made up all kinds of stories why I should stay away from you Tamar because you are the worst type of CRIPPLE out there. The Chair has made you crazy and dangerous.
Tamar_Garish said:
Damn right!

I will give you this have been hard to "catch", no doubt about it. You obviously have a lot of powerful connections who have helped you cover-up all your illegal online activities but make no mistake...........I have had an e-snitch out there on your heels. I will give you 2 guesses who he is............

He is a prison guard whom you set up to take a fall too. He was young and foolish enough to go along with your little set-up, but in the end you will fall because of it. Liars like you always trip themselves up.

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end they always fall.........ALWAYS.
Yeah, yeah.

Up the dosage already.
Yeah.........I will make sure I do that Tamar. Tell me something MsGarish! When I made the trip to Ft. Hood on 1/10/07 and they sent me to the "Special Investigations Unit" I noticed a truck parked at the side of the building with handicapped license plates and some kind of equip crane in the bed of the truck. wtf??? I have never seen anything like it. I had a nice young soldier escort who was kind enough to show me where the fuck I was going since they don't mark their buildings very well and that place is like a city in itself. While we were waiting for the chief inspector, I became curious about the place and starting looking around.........I noticed the nameplate outside the office of the Chief was Mike something.........not Davis, it was another name. I meant to write it down but I forgot because we were called into the office at that moment, a very nice older man seemed to know exactly what we were there for without asking any questions, he told my escort this was a conspiracy and to keep it on the "down low"..........take me next door to the Major/Chief Investigator who is employed by the Army but he is a civilian. During my conversation with this very attractive man.........someone IM'd him and I remember him looking startled, he looked over at the screen, read something, then we concluded our bidness at that point. He told me he would check with his FBI contacts and get back with me. He never did.
I am beginning to think everyone thinks I am a lush and I just made all of this stuff up so we could all have a good conspiracy theory laugh. I think it was Sarek who IMd him saying........."Is that JillianBacardi in your office???? she goes by AmyScotch too........nuff said"

What do you think Tamar?? You know I really value your opinion in matters such as this since you probably have a great deal of experience in conspiracy theorys.

YOU!!! I knew the minute I saw your picture you were involved in this only I didn't know how or what role. I went back and forth between good guy bad guy ..........then realized this Fall you were one of the BAD guys after some things Dawn the realtor said. I also think you are behind the "set-up" in the last meeting I had with them.......the one with the SpecialsOPs manuever. I knew I had to switch strategies with you because you were going to be the hardest one to catch. I also knew if I could ever get you face-to-face I would be able to GIT what I needed........make NO mistake I am a much better troll in real life. I figured Dawn out the very first night I was here in Austin, it took all of 30 minutes........I played her game until it became to insane.
Now I know you are the Mastermind behind this. You are criminally need to be locked up. I cannot ever imagine LOVING money so much that I would stoop to the vile things you have in pursuit of the almighty dollar. It is one thing to ruin yourself, I guess you never even thought about your daughters...........about what it will cost them when this comes out. Just think of their humiliation, the trauma, the way you will shatter their lives when they find out their father is a criminal.

I feel sorry for them more than anyone. All the families who will be hurt because of all you webscamers and your decadent lifestyles.
I WANT MY BODYGUARD BACK!!!! I am serious. I SENT YOU GUYS AN SOS AND EVERYTHING AFTER THAT SWAT team manuever at the restaurant with Dawn and Jack. It is the first time in this whole ordeal that I actually had a panic attack and FEARED for my safety. I THINK THEY WERE HIRED TO KILL ME.............I AM SERIOUS. That is why they were taking me out in the wilderness after I saw all those military people. I called the FBI and Secret Service the next morning and told them about it know what the Secret Service told me???? if you feel your life is in danger you need to call the police..............and I was like wtf????? what are the police going to do when they come up against these people who have SpecialOps backgrounds. Fuck............I would be better off on my own. I did put bullets in my gun after that.
I wasn't thinking clearly at the time either which would explain their lame suggestion and the reason they haven't done anything.......he has a connection on the inside.
Tamar_Garish said:
Yeah, yeah.

Up the dosage already.

If they don't lock you up soon Tamar............we are going to have some real problems. I have taken all these death threats and messages about my safety being in jeopardy quite seriously. I have also made sure I left a paper trail and witnesses if you try anything that stupid again. I will hand you this.........that lamebrain slag you recruited was easy to turn around a run a game on. It is how I got a lot of the information I now have and the reason I will be able to get a jury trial.............because I have enough charges against her to stick and if she decides to go on the lam like Eric.......I will go down the page to you, Jack, Steve, Sanjay, Jeanine, Jonathan. You can't all run.
I also have witnesses in the form of neighbors who watched her drunken running over my garbage can sitting on the curb sending glass and everything all over the street. I saw people looking out the windows and everything..........the only reason I answered the door is because I didn't want them to think some heathen had just moved in the hood and this was going to become a common occurence.

I put a stop to that crap very quickly.
Tamar_Garish said:
Yeah, yeah.

Up the dosage already.

Yeah Yeah.........the next time you and your band of thugs use the same OLD mantra of making me out to be a lush, drug-addict, batshit crazy woman think about this...............
I have all you by the balls right now.

I don't think a batshit crazy, drug addict alcoholic would have the senses to accomplish what I have in the last five months.

I think it is all of you who need to put down the bottle and up your dosages.
Here is something else Tamar...........all I have done on these boards is give you what you want, give you illusions of superiority. All that matters to me is the end result, that is when we will find out who the crazy ones really are.

You won't be able to pull the same games off in front of a judge and jury. On the other hand, I am much more effective in real life than online.
In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.
Tamar_Garish said:
Yeah, yeah.

Up the dosage already.

This is a great idea Tamar!! I think all of us should take drug tests, it should be mandatory and the results published in court. I have NO problemo cause you won't find Nuthin' on me..............not even prescription. I don't take NUTin' although I wouldn't mind trying Orlistat now that it is over the counter.
Hows about you Tamar??
HAAAAAAAA!!!!! Thats why I kept passing on the joint you to alded-minded idiots kept trying to give to me and I kept saying..........NAH...have at it you two. FUCK!!!

That.........and you two were already scaring the crap out of me with your idiocy. I knew I had to be on high alert and all of my sensibilities intact. I bet God never would have come out on the patio of the restaurant if he had known how whacked you two were.