These guys seem fun


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Remember "Hot Amputee Girls"? Where do you find this stuff?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
The problem is, you can Google anything. I've only gotten "no results" three times.

I wont mention what those were.


RIP 1970~2018
A hot amputee girl makes you feel like a complete man. Like a giver. Like a charitable contributor.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I loved Boxing Helena. But only because Lynch directed it.


RIP 1970~2018
Lynch needs a hug and a stern talking to. Then he needs another hug an someone to explain to him just wtf people expect when they go see a movie.

Lesson 1.) Continuity


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
LOL we could argue that forever. What about CRASH? Eraserhead? FireWalk With Me?

Remember what a mess Twin Peaks became? How he fixed it?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
dont mind me I love tv


RIP 1970~2018
My tv taste is pretty boring for other people. Most tv I watch is shit my wife watches. If it makes her happy that makes it a good show as far as I'm concerned.

Which is how I became acquainted with Dance Moms.

Lynch is the Dali of tv. That's not a compliment. I fucking hate Dali. Fucking fraud.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Agreed. But a necessary one.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
TV is evil. Never forget that. I certainly haven't.'s biggest fan


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


RIP 1970~2018
I have this weird theory - I don't think you're dumb at all. Not sure what your deal is, but I don't think you're in the least bit stupid.

Try this on for size - The last grade I completed is 8th. And look how far I've managed to skyrocket. Oh wait...nevermind. Bad example.


My Stars!
There's a reason they referred to television as an "idiot box."

Lynch, like Dali, were seriously twisted people who fooled everyone into believing their schizophrenia was cutting edge art.


RIP 1970~2018
Schizophrenics in South American indian cultures are snatched up as soon as they're identified to be trained as shaman.