They should've just called the episode "Hey look at Juliet's breasts!!"


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
It was a good episode, but I don't know if I can come up with anything to say about it now that I've been asleep. I think I'll wait till someone else starts a thread about it.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
WELL, you didn't warn the people who haven't seen it yet not to look. WACKY MIGHT HURT US.


I want to smell dark matter
User spoiler code? Or I'll just look away if I see a spoiler. I don't care. There's a new hatch between Juliet's tits. I know.


Be patient till the last.
goddamn it!

why does everyone fall for Ben's BULLSHIT!>!
and Juliet of ALL peeps should know this - yet, there she was, ready to blow away Faraday and Charlotte - as if Faraday would poison gas anyone! omg. he's a geek who had Desmond down as his anchor guy!

TIME TO BEAT BEN UP AGAIN!! especially after he prances past Sawyer and Hurley and says 'see you at dinner' when they're all like WTF why is this guy out?!?!
and I cant believe John Locke would ever let him go free...JEEBUS.

aieeeee! @%$#!^&%$#

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
goddamn it!

why does everyone fall for Ben's BULLSHIT!>!
and Juliet of ALL peeps should know this - yet, there she was, ready to blow away Faraday and Charlotte - as if Faraday would poison gas anyone! omg. he's a geek who had Desmond down as his anchor guy!

TIME TO BEAT BEN UP AGAIN!! especially after he prances past Sawyer and Hurley and says 'see you at dinner' when they're all like WTF why is this guy out?!?!
and I cant believe John Locke would ever let him go free...JEEBUS.

aieeeee! @%$#!^&%$#

I'll see you at dinner. 8):


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I don't actually think it was Ben who sent Juliet after Faraday. I THINK IT WAS THE ISLAND!! Think about it.. Ben was still locked up at the time, so he couldn't have, also if the gas was released Ben would have died too. Obviously the chick who came to see Juliet (can't remember her name) was the smoke monster, in chick form.

I loved the part where Ben told Juliet she was his! He's like a kid. Did you guys catch the part where the therapist chick told Juliet that she looks just like "her"? Maybe Juliet looks like Ben's dead girlfriend. I know Wacky doesn't think she's dead, but MAYBE she is, and Ben tried to replace her with Juliet's burnt muffins.



Is this real life?
I've only seen half of it because the copy I downloaded had fucked up sound after 28 minutes. I can't help but wonder if it's the work of the movie/tv companies. They used to do that with music.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
They have been known to upload fake torrents before, but most of the big torrent sites are usually very good at getting rid of them once they're found, especially on the migh-download stuff like Lost.


Is this real life?
It didn't help that a load of people had just downloaded it, opened it and watched the first few seconds (where the sound is fine) and then said the whole thing was great. If they'd just watched the whole episode first they could've stopped a lot of others wasting their time.


Boobie inspector
Maybe Bens girlfriend wasnt killed, I hardly think people would say Juliet looks just like his 9 year old girlfirend, maybe he spared her, but she died in childbirth.

Crappy episode, at least with the blood on Kates head they showed knocking out people isnt the painless, bloodless "turn person off now switch" that most tv shows would have you beleive bashing someone over the head with something hard is.

Also, unless Ben had a gas mask, I dont think he would be behind the gassing of everyone.


I want to smell dark matter
That episode felt kind of "off". Something in the editing, maybe (it was a Juliet flashback but seemed more focused on Ben and the flashbacks had little to do with the main story.) OR poor writing...

So Charlotte and Faraday are going to stop everyone from being (potentially?) gassed. That's good of why not just tell the others? No one would actually be in favour of being gassed, surely? Why knock out Kate? Was it just because Kate turned her back on someone holding a gun (real smart!) and Charlotte couldn't resist the urge to pistol whip her? That's understandable, actually.

If they were going to make the gas inert, why was there a countdown saying the gas was about to be released? Did Ben somehow set a timer to release the gas? Did Daniel trip the release mechanism accidently? Or did the writers just want a "ticking clock" ending, even if it didn't make any sense? I'm not sure if Juliet's flashbacks fitted exactly with previous seasons (did Ethan die before Goodwin?)

Yes, I think Harper was probably the Smoke Monster. She appeared and disappeared into nowhere and there was the whispers and everything. Remember the Smoke Monster "scanned" Juliet and her tits last season soit would know about Harper.

As evil as Ben is, it's interesting to note that Goodwin was evil too. He murdered the tail section survivor who Ana Lucia was keeping in the pit and I think he was going to kill Ana Lucia before she killed him in self defence. Wasnt' he also trying to shag Ana in 'The Other 48 days'? Slimeball! There's still been no explanation as to why the others are so willing to kill people for Ben.

Good to see Alan Dale beat some guy up on a soundless video! So why does he want to find the island? To bring tourists there? That's pretty gay! Obviously there's a lot more to it than that.

"You look just like her." Annie? (No, Cassie, I don't think Annie is alive, I think she died giving birth to Charlotte...I can't remember why I thought that. Ben and Charlotte both have intense eyes?) Ben's mum seems more likely (she was blond.)

Some good one liners from Ben: "Did the rabbit have a number on it?" "Take as much time as you need!" And of course "see you at dinner!" not a WTF cliffhanger ending but still pretty funny.


Boobie inspector
Of course it would have been a WTF moment if Sawyer had just pulled a gun from his pants and blown Ben away.

Of course we have seen Ben in the future so we know that wasn't going to happen.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Whether she was killed or died DOESN'T MATTER.. I said I thought the therapist was referring to Ben's dead girlfriend not his 9 year old dead girlfriend.


I want to smell dark matter
Or his blond mum who he has a painting of in his house.

Remember when Ben said "every living person on this island will be killed" if the freighter people got onto the island last season? We thought he meant that the freighter people would kill everyone, but maybe he actually meant HE would kill everyone with his super-villain poisoned gas? So he wasn't lying that time!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Or he knew the island would kill everyone, including him! I'm starting to think the island is sentient or some shit.

ANYWAY goodnight.


I want to smell dark matter
Oh yeah, I liked that Claire actually did something pro-active. I'd like to see her talk to Miles. Of course, Miles hasn't been seen since that grenade was stuffed in his mouth, so he might have blown up by now.