thing of the day, pope terrible returns (thing+402)


I want to smell dark matter
(NOTE: even though this is a thing of the day featuring a time travel story it is not the return of thing through time which is still on hiatus.)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa everyone hates me

gfsgevyerone htye jus tpretned


(The future. Five thousand years after Pope Terrible's reign begun, finally ended a hundred years earlier in a war. A war in which ninety nine percent of the world's population were wiped out. Continents sunk into the ocean. Yet there were survivors. There was still life. Living in the reamins of what was once the United Kingdom they have built a new country at last. But finally they have also mastered the time travel technology that created Pope Terrible in the first place. A deadly choice awaits them.)

Doctor Brown: We're not doing it.

Doctor Red: But we CAN do it.

Brown: Just because we can...

Doctor White: We shouldn't even be thinking of it! This is what they thought, four thousand years ago! They thought they could defeat Terrible by killing him before he became Terrible, using his own son as the assassin...he WAS Terrible!

Red: Yeah, thanks for the recap, fuckface.

Brown: No need for that, Red.

Red: What, in our glorious nation of no aggression? We're hunted by the mutates from Europe. And the American cyborg's will have nuclear weapons soon.

Brown: They have no reason to use them on us...

Red: They do! Fear! They don't know what we're doing. But they know we're technological advanced. Hell, they've probably figured out we have time travel. They'll destroy us to save themselves.

White: Then we'll destroy them first! That would be easy. But to go back, change's not possible!

Brown: And we'd all cease to be, our familiers, our lives...

Red: What lives? Your children were killed by mutates last months! White's wife was raped by Spacebat! And my beautiful Ben...a zombie in the hills.

Brown: We're still here. There's still hope. We're the first free people since Terrible's reign ended...

White: But Red is right, with the American threat we won't be free for long. Let us strike now, wipe the American semi-contient away, finish what Terrible begun in the seven hundred year more cyborgs!

Red: Shut up you old bastard.

Brown: Stop that!

White: No time travel. I won't allow it. I'm senior scientist. I won't allow it!

(Red stabs White through the heart in one motion. Brown does not have time to react.)

Brown: I...

Red: Are you with me or against me?

Brown: You can't kill me...

Red: People die all the time. I'll say the zombies came down from the hills. No one would question me. No one would really care.

Brown: White was right, the time travel wouldn't work...

Red: We're not the same people as those barbarians from four thousand years ago. We will not make the mistake of sending one of Terrible's relatives, or giving him technology that will corrupt him...we'll send a suicide bomber. There will be no room for error.

Brown: It won't work!

Red: What are you haning on to?

Brown: I don't want to die!

Red: You won't. It'll be as if you were never born. Or perhaps the world will shift around us and we'll be in a new, better world...a utopia.

Brown: There's no evidence that will happen....

Red: I dramed it.

Brown: Oh...I now you think you have the future-see, but...

Red: The future-see experiments were a success, the records show that. Terrible tried to wipe them all out, but some must have survived, had children, passed their genes on...passed them on to me. I have seen the future.

Brown: Did you see yourself killing White?

Red: Yes. That is why I did not hesitates.

Brown: And what did you see of me?

Red: I saw you helping me.

Brown: You sound convinced. But this is insane.

Red: I killed White but have not killed you yet. Because I know deep down you know I'm right. You're just scared...I understand that. But put your faith in me. And everything will turn out okay.

Brown: ...who could you find to go back in time as a living suicide bomb anyway?

(Red smiled. Later, inside a room. Red and Brown are sitting on one side of a table. A man is sitting on the other side. He looks blank. He makes no eye contact as he speaks. He is distant.)

Man: I fell asleep in the early evening...I didn't plan it. Wasn't even tired. I get plenty of sleep. Too much. I just...disappeared into sleep. That's what sleep is. It's nothingness. We're only aware in the state we're in now. We think this is's not. This is the dream. So I disappeared. Then I heard my mother knocking the door. I screamed at her "I'M OKAY." But I forgot where I was. What the time was. What day it was. Even my identity. I forgot it all...and it didn't come back. Only a shadow. I know who I am, who I'm supposed to be, what I'm supposed to do...but it's not real anymore. I'm still asleep. I could die and not even notice.

(Red turns to Brown.)

Red: He's perfect.
