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thing of the day (thing+623)


I want to smell dark matter
Noah stared at Rose. He'd had her chained up for a long time. He treated her well, he thought, considering she was evil. He fed her, let her use the bathroom without looking. He kept her on her chain and the door opened, of course, but he didn't look. He looked at her now. She wasn't crying. She'd stopped doing that a long time ago. Stopped talking too. She was chained up and the Earth, the whole solar system, was travelling to Heaven where she would be judged.

"I'll put in a good word for you with God," he said. She said nothing. "I know you think what I'm doing is cruel. But I can't let you out there in the world. You'd be completely lost to me then. You're evil because you haven't given yourself to the Lord and because you tried to stab me, but you haven't gone completely over to Satan yet. Not like the rest of them. Did you see the news earlier? Of cousre you did, you were chained up in front of the tv. Murder has riseon by a thousand per cent since we started travelling to Heaven. The evil are showing themselves. And as Go'd chosen one, I..."

"Yeah, he's starting to bore me now," admitted Iggy. The supervisor wasn't there. Or, at least, he wasn't showing himself to Iggy, just like Iggy wasn't showing himself to Noah. "All these years I enjoyed his craziness but now...if he'd just go out and start killing people that would be something. It really would! But he won't even kill Rose. Maybe...maybe somehow he knows. Knows that in the original timeline she killed him. Knows he's supposed to be dead. Maybe..."

Iggy just stopped talking. Nobody could hear him. He felt like he was going mad. The Earth was still travelling through the wormhole with no end in sight. He had nothing to do. Nothing to think. He entered Noah's mind and listened to his thoughts.

Noah was thinking about Rose and his sexuality again. About how he used to find girls attractive. Used to want to touch them. Now? He felt nothing as he looked at her. He'd look at her too long. She was the only girl he had in his head. He couldn't even imagine what another would be like in three dimensions. He'd looked all the way through her. He couldn't think about her sexually at all. It had all been a lie. She was just flesh and bones. Sexuality was all about context, he realised. The things he'd thought about when he went through puberty. He'd sexualised them. Became fixatated on them. There was nothing of that left. It had worn all away, through the years. There was just Rose and she was hideous. They were all hideous ALL OF THEM SHOULD...

The Earth started shaking.

Noah new, right then.

They had reached Heaven.

Iggy felt a sense of awe inside Noah, for the first time in a long time.