Things that make you happy.


Retired Account
One of the MANY reasons we were such close friends (inseparable for years lets face it) is because you were one of the few people who I didn't get stressed out with if I spent too much time with them. 36 hour Star Trek and weed marathons come to mind.. yes.

peas in a pod bredwin, peas in a pod ;)


Retired Account
Dan and Lee could, at times, become the "WHERE'S JEFFREY!" klingons. (inside joke only Seph will get)

poor old dan didnt take that joke to well LOL lee rolled with it and found it funneh even tho he didnt get it... LOL

remmember when u made me watch the whole 1st season of 24 without a rest coz i was refusing to like it and then like hour six i was like :popcorn:



I want to smell dark matter


Retired Account
You soppy bitch. LOL.

what can i say, im a hopeless romantic, its like a savage barbaric blood sport and i love it/and want to win. :p


Retired Account
FISHING. Fuck, I miss out Marina adventures and moaning at Simon because it was too cold and he dragged us on another night fishing mission in December.

well when u get bk too the mother country u can come on a proper expidition with me and my mate keith, we go out on his boats or go hunting the rivers and lakes for carp, promise u it wud be class plus very stoned and drunkeeees



Retired Account
I have been waiting to use this one as i have never seen it b4, this is definitly the thread for it lol



Retired Account

do u remember that time i tried to read the hobbit when paralytic in devon, after drinking them two bottles of MAR with my godfather paul LOL
i was like "i dont even feel drunk" got up to go for a slash my legs buckled and i hit the deck, such a clear headed drunk fucked up

and the 80% bottle was nicer than the 60% one lol gd tiemzzz


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

I don't need hard drugs -- I can make people laugh.

(* I just came up with that now, so if it shows up on a t-shirt without me getting a cut I'm gonna start rippin' ballz huzzah)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Also this:



Mrs. Big Dick McGee
~That I was able to get pregnant on my first try, AMAZING! Especially since I'm, ya know, older.
~When I eat ice-cream and my little baby squirms in my tummy so I know he's there.
~My step-son, he's nothing but love wrapped in frustration and rolled in joy.
~My husband, I waited my whole life for him and he's as perfect as I ever imagined.
~My mom, dad, brothers, in-laws, niece, and nephews...God I am so lucky to have these people in my life.
~See's Candies, the best on the planet and only on the west coast.
~My friends, the best on earth. Takes a while to weed out the crap but with what I have left I am truly blessed.
~My house, it's huge and gorgeous and better than I'd ever dreamed of.
~Humor, my sense of and it in general, laughing is the BEST but making people laugh is even better!!

So much makes me so happy and I spend a lot of time being happy.


Pinata Whacker
-hanging out with my online friends
-hanging out with my brother and his friends
-weed/alcohol/the occaisonal cigarette
-listening to good music/watching my favorite movies and TV shows
-reading a good book.


Still in Mom's basement
I am not a happy person....I just get moments here and there....I guess I should be happy about that.


Retired Account


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I'm actually a fairly happy person, but that's cuz I'm nuts, so it's just the hereditary madness that makes me crazy happy sometimes.

I enjoy me time perhaps a little too much, though, because I'm a selfish bitch and hate other people's lives/concerns infringing upon mine. Unless it's family. So when I can shut everyone away and do what I want to do, I'm at my best.

Here's a few other things that amuse me throughout the day:

~When you hear a song you haven't heard in ages, and it conjures up memories of sinister fun and nefarious plans. Like listening to "Legend of a Cowgirl" last night and remembering making out with a guy named Austin at a party. Good times...even better tongue.

~Pillzlol/booze. My family enjoys the liquor, and I spice it up with pills. Not everday like I used too, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with kicking back, swallowing a couple of darvocet and chasing it with black cherry vodka. Nothing at all.

~Randomly shouting out movie quotes at work/backyard/in public.

~MST3K. If I'm having a bad day, or have come down off my ADHD high and need a lil cheering up, Joel, Tom Servo and Crow are always there to make me laugh.

~Sex. That's makes me happy, whether it's with someone or myself.

~Hot men. I don't think this needs an explanation.

~Getting away with stuff. The thrill of being caught. I get off on that shit.

~Horror films. Even better of I'm making out while watching one. The inn of the sixth happiness right there.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
When she says "oh godohgod ohhgod,ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGOD" while clutching the back of your head.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Oops, I forgot my family too. We put the "fun" in "dysfunctional" but yeah, they make me happy.