I've been watching so much Star Trek since I got rid of DirecTV and went back to an OTA antenna. Every Star Trek series is on every night (except Saturdays), and they are on in order. So I've been thinking about Star Trek a lot! I was wondering what are your favorites. Not just episodes or series or characters, but other things like themes. For instance, there are lots of holodeck/holosuite themed episodes, and time travel themed episodes, and alternate universe themed episodes, etc. Also there are characters that maybe you don't like that much, but have had a few really good scenes that make you almost forgive them for being terrible (Neelix
). Anyway, just post what you want to post about!
I will go first!
Lwaxana Troi - not my favorite character, she's pretty annoying through all of TNG, but I loved her on DS9. My favorite Lwaxana scene is when she's trapped with Odo in the turbolift (The Forsaken), and she offers to hold Odo in her skirt when he can no longer hold his shape. I loved it when she took off her wig to make him feel less self conscious and embarrassed about his predicament. The friendship they had after that was very sweet.

I will go first!
Lwaxana Troi - not my favorite character, she's pretty annoying through all of TNG, but I loved her on DS9. My favorite Lwaxana scene is when she's trapped with Odo in the turbolift (The Forsaken), and she offers to hold Odo in her skirt when he can no longer hold his shape. I loved it when she took off her wig to make him feel less self conscious and embarrassed about his predicament. The friendship they had after that was very sweet.