This is either really cool or really stupid

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
and I honestly can't tell.

Bleeding Cool has squirrelled out news of an upcoming crossover that might send certain minds reeling. That in May, IDW are to publish a Doctor Who/Star Trek: The Next Generation crossover series. Featuring The Doctor, Rory, Amy, Captain Picard, Worf, Data, Geordie LaForge, Deanna Troy, Will Riker and the rest. And that this art, featuring the Doctor, Rory and Amy on the bridge of the Enterprise is a cover that will be used in the series.

The fuck.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
It will be cool only if it becomes a TV movie or 2-part episode.


I want to smell dark matter
Riker's got to at least acknowledge Amy's legs.


Is this real life?
As long as they intend this to be camp and hilarious, I'm down with it.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I think I'd rather see Doctor Who find the family from Lost In Space, so he can laugh at them derisively and and say "What's wrong with you people, just fix your compass and fucking go home you eejits!"


I want to smell dark matter
Apparently they have a flashback to Kirk fighting Cyber-Men within the framework of the TNG story.