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Here are two behind the scenes vidoes that I might not watch because of SPOILERS but I'm posting them anyway I case I feel like it OKAY.


I saw this movie so I'm going to post about it and I'm not using spoiler tags because FRANKLY it's been out for a week and if you haven't seen it why would you suddenly decide to read this thread now and spoiler tags are annoying.




It was a good, fun, fast-paced action movie! Almost too fast-paced at times, but the frantic feel really worked in the crazy final act. Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman were really good and OF COURSE Tom Hiddleston was great at Loki. The final twist got an APPROVING MURMUR from the audience.

All the characters get good stuff to do. Some less than others, granted (poor Hogun) but every seen progresses the plot and there's no pointless filler. Frigga got a pretty good part and I like the scene with her and Loki. Her death scene was good too and she had a really pretty funeral!

I've seen (stupid) people complain that there's too much humour but I wonder if those people have actually seen a Marvel movie before? It was all good humour and some of it was laugh out loud. Kat Dennings was really good as Darcy and I was pleased she was relevant to the plot and had a lot more to do than in the first movie. But the humour highlight was probably Stellan Skarsgard, surprisingly! And his lack of trousers. The Chris Evans cameo was hilarious too.

I liked the design of Asgard. It felt more like a real place and less like Rainbow Road from Mario Kart. I like that they have flying boat things.

The final fight travelling through the portals was more fun than just a straight fight would have been and they brought back the ice dog thing from the first movie and I love that ice dog thing.

I like that because it was set in England there were recognisable brand names (Vimto!)

"Why are there so many shoes in here?"


I watched a press conference thing a couple of weeks ago where Alan Taylor or Christopher Eccleston said about the villain Malekith "hey has a really compelling backstory...that you'll see on the Blu Ray release!" I thought they were joking but no, most of his backstory scenes seem to have been cut. And the prologue narrated by Odin feels a bit halfassed and too similar to the first movie with Laufrey. It's a shame because Eccleston does a good evil sneer and I would have liked more scenes with him talking to Mister Eko. But as I said it's such a fast paced movie that I guess they thought he only needed the bare minimum of screentime.

They kind of set something up with Sif being jealous of Jane but it never goes anywhere. But I didn't really want to see Sif being all bitchy anyway.

I can see why Alan Taylor didn't like the mid-credits scene. It's not bad but the tone is completely different to the rest of the movie. They should have swapped it with the post credits scene (which is more relevant to the movie and has Natalie Portman smiling.)

STILL this was another hugely enjoyable Marvel movie and there's definitely room for a Thor 3.
So stick around to the very end of the credits then?

Seeing this at weekend.

Might be taking the boy, had him watch the first Thor and the Avengers, he talked through both of them, but hopefully he would be quieter at pictures.
Yeah I liked it.

I mean, the characters were great, the performances were great from everyone, it looked amazing. I don't think it was quite as good as Thor, though...

Kenneth Branagh made Asgard feel more grandiose and mythical, a place where Gods lived, whereas here it felt more like Science Fiction City #426 (but a good one).

I also liked how Thor went from the epicness of Asgard to just a small town in New Mexico, whereas here everything ends with cities being destroyed because that's how we end action films now.

Christopher Eccleston was... okay? Like Wacky said, he didn't really have a lot to do other than stand there and be the bad guy.

I could kind of see what people might mean about there being too much comedy - there was a lot of it. But it was done well, so it worked mostly.

The plot was mostly decent, there were a few hiccups. Jane and Thor just happen to hide in the one cave in the entire planet that has a portal back to Earth (lucky!), and they seem to spend time at the beginning setting up this strange Thor/Jane/Sif love triangle and proceed to do nothing with it.

But it was good! I liked it.
I thought Asgard felt incomplete in the first movie. It looked cool and I liked the shots of Heimdall standing looking at the stars and such, but really there didn't seem much to it other than the throne room and the rainbow bridge. Here it seemed more like an actual populated city. With flying boats.

Also the first movie was kind of dragged down by the SHIELD stuff in the middle (not that it was bad, it just didn't have much to do with the rest of the plot.) Whereas now they can leave the SHIELD stuff for the episode of SHIELD two weeks later!

So stick around to the very end of the credits then?

I'd say it's worth it if you're not in a hurry.
ALSO about the epicness versus smallness thing, I think Thor's arc in the first movie was about being humbled by having to spend time with normal people in a small New Mexico town WHEREAS in this one his arc was accepting that his destiny was to be the protector of the nine realms rather than the king so it made sense for him to do something that protected all nine realms in the final action bit? It sounded good in my head anyway!

(And I don't think there was as much pointless destruction as something like STID where literally thousands of people must have died when the Vengeance crashed and nobody cared.)

But yeah I liked the first movie too and I think it gets some unwarrented criticism!

(And yeah the portal in the cave bit was a bit too much of a huge coincidence but...I'm sure someone will come up with a fanwank.)
ALSO about the epicness versus smallness thing, I think Thor's arc in the first movie was about being humbled by having to spend time with normal people in a small New Mexico town WHEREAS in this one his arc was accepting that his destiny was to be the protector of the nine realms rather than the king so it made sense for him to do something that protected all nine realms in the final action bit? It sounded good in my head anyway!

I get that, I just think it's a personal preference. I just prefer the juxtaposition between the grandness as Asgard and the small scale of a couple of characters in New Mexico.

(And I don't think there was as much pointless destruction as something like STID where literally thousands of people must have died when the Vengeance crashed and nobody cared.)

Yeah it was still 100 times better than the city destruction in Star Trek Into Darkness and Man of Steel, where it was just sort of boring, but here it didn't really feel like there was much jeopardy at all. Like the entire universe is about to be destroyed but you kind of don't ever feel that.
Yeah they should have done a better job of showing the actual process that was going to end all of reality. I liked the bit where Natalie had evil black eyes though.
OH, a thing about Sif I forgot (which is strange since it's a pretty memorable thing), Jaimie Alexander broke her back during filming and I think they had to scrap some of her scenes (due to her having a broken back.)
Finally seen it, not watched the deleted scenes yet, so dont know about any compelling backstory.

Good film, did watch the Marvel one shot with Trevor Slattery, not only a great short film in of itself, but it actually answers the question of why the film Mandarin is so different from the comic version.
Oh, I watched it recently as well and I loved it.

Very well paced and very witty. I read that the writer died of cancer before it was released, though, so that's sad. We'll never get another of his movies and he presumably never got to see how well this one turned out.
Hmm, I looked it up and Don Payne, who has a story credit (with one other guy) did die of cancer. But three other guys wrote the screenplay (I think it was mostly Christopher Yost who is also the only regular Marvel comics writer to write one of their movies. Obvoiusly his death is no less sad if his contribution to the movie wasn't as great as other, of course!
Well he was someone who worked on the script, and he wrote the first Thor movie as well. He also wrote Fantastic 4: Rise Of The Silver Surfer but maybe the script was better than the finished movie...