Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
Alright. I had logged into TROLL KINGDOM expecting nothing out of the ordinary after having killed my ass doing yard work when I happened to spy the thread started by THUG_LUV regarding his gay tendencies. *wipes away a tear* Damn but that was funny. Due to his haircut and skinny build, I knew this guy was pink but for him to go out and ADMIT to it? Shit. This is good stuff. Here is the thread I speak of:

Your boy Thuggie went to this "alternative" club last night w/some peeps. Thought it was about the type of music that was played but there were a lot of freaks there. The section of town it's in is pretty . Almost crushed on a few faggots there who were giving us the eye but since your boy got charges pending as it is he had to stay legit. But one of the prettiest girls in the place was all on a Thug's dick. We went and sat on the couches in the back of the lounge and got cozy, she was stroking your boy's dick and he started feeling the bitch up and she had a dick too. Yep thats right, she was a chick w/a dick. The fucked up part was that she was pretty as fuck. A petite Asian girl. Thug is convinced Asian men make for good bitches. It was a tough spot. You've got a rock hard dick and a cute chick who turns out to be a dude. So Thug Luv, being that he isn't a faggot, let this perv give him a nice hand job and he squeezed out a thick load but no sex. Sorry to disappoint you queers, but Thug Immortal isn't a faggot. He has some morals unlike you nasty caves

I find the part about THUG_LUV admitting he almost 'crushed on' a few faggots who were 'giving him the eye' so to speak. The statement defines IRONY when one continues to read the post.
Another amusing section would be where THUG_LUV admits to 'getting cozy' with who he deemed to be 'one of the prettiest girls' in the swingin' place (should have tipped him off right there). I should like to point out this 'girl' was 'pretty as fuck' in his own words. Yet he admits to discovering 'HE' was actually a 'SHE'. Once again, read IRONY.
THUG_LUV then admits he has a 'rock hard dick' for a 'chick who turns out to be a dude'. THUG_LUV's irrationality is exposed when he 'admits' to not being a faggot, yet allows the slanty guy to give him a nice hand job whereupon he squeezed out a huge load.
Another beauty is when he addresses the members of TROLL KINGDOM as 'queers'. Here is an idiot who admits to allowing a GUY to jerk him off and make him cum labelling everyone in TROLL KINGDOM as 'queers'. Does not anyone see the irony in THAT statement?
How about the part where THUG_LUV claims to have 'morals'. He had just finished allowing a GUY to jerk him off - a clearly FAGGOT activity - and then has the temerity to call US 'queers'?? WTF? We 'nasty caves' do not allow MEN to touch our cocks unless those who do so are GAY and admit to it.
How can one have the temerity to claim moral superiority over 'nasty caves' when one has just admitted to letting an obvious male jerk him off and make him cum? Or when one admits to 'beating up' 14 year old girls to get his way. Or when one admits to living off the avails of the state when there is absolutely no need to do so, thus robbing those truly in need of some help? Or when one admits to hitting on and having sex with clearly underage girls? Or when one admits to having so many kids, yet not taking responsibility for them? Or of forcing his 'bitch' with whom he lives to be the breadwinner yet calls himself a 'man'?

Mr. THUGGEDUP? I would suggest you seek psychiatric help. No doubt you are in pain at having discovered your true self. Any psychiatrist would suggest rather than play this game of denial you seem to be so intent on playing, you should seek to 'come out' as it were. True it is difficult to accept change but it becomes easier when one finally accepts who and what one finally and truly is. You MR. THUGGY are clearly a faggot. A flaming homo. A wearer of women's dresses. A tea tippler. A salad tosser. The sooner you accept this most obvious of truths, the better it will be for you in the long run.
True we in TROLL KINGDOM will never let you forget that you are a flaming faggot but you may feel that to be part of your healing process, part of learning to accept yourself for what you truly are. I abhor faggots thereby I abhor YOU. This should not matter simply because to thineself should one be true. Others do not matter. The more you contemplate your love for cocks the better off you will be. This way, you could refrain from pretending to like females when you clearly do not. This will open more doors to some gay lovers. I would suggest for you a trip to your metropolis of San Francisco.
I should like to remind all TK'ers to be on the lookout for THUG_LUV the next time San Francisco holds it's annual GAY PRIDE PARADE. No doubt he will be the tiny NIGSPIC with an idiotic 'do' and wearning an leather S&M outfit.
It is my contention THUG_LUV and MESSENGER should get together as they both seem to share this distinct love for cocks.

P.S. Now one may understand the meaning behind the faggot's use of the ID 'THUG_LUV'. This is crypto for 'I LOVE MEN'.
You are just sad you did not get to play with his cock too. You wanted in on some of that action.
bad dog said:
You are just sad you did not get to play with his cock too. You wanted in on some of that action.

Absolutely. I want his lips around my cock so badly. I want him to suck me until I fucking explode.
FederalAgent007 said:
too long, didn't read.


*Goes looking for The Question, Shatna, Tamar Garish, T'Bonz............*

Of course you would seek my lessers. You fear me. You do not fear them. As well you should fear me. I tore TAMAR a new asshole. I tore you a new one also. Now sit down and shut the fuck up bitch.
It's ok. I saw you were still here reading my words. Come back to them later and talk some more about your penis, fags, and pwnership whenever you're ready. Then put me back on "ignore" while everyone laughs at you. Too bad you're not smart enough to adapt; I can only make you funny so many times.

Perhaps people should read this post and explain WHY or HOW it is he lies?

Where Thug Angel is from, we bitchmade cats all the time by making them eat a dick. You dont enjoy it. Its a degradation thing. Not for pleasure. Thug slapped this homo fuck around for a minute and called him what he was, a pervert, a faggot and a pussy. Shameless fuck he was

Apparently THUG_LUV 'slapped this homo fuck around for a minute and called him what he was, a pervert, a faggot and a pussy'. Damn. I see all the hallmarks of a hate crime. He did that up here he could be looking at two years in one of our provincial institutions. I know you have the same hate-crime laws down there but I have no idea how severe they are. Up here they are rather severe and fucking ridiculous. THUG_LUV slaps a fucking homo around up here he would end up sharing a fucking jail cell with a nigger called BUBBA. Obviously THUG_LUV is not too concerned about being ass-raped in prison. In fact, it is my contention this is his ultimate girl ever since he admitted to being a complete pinko faggot.

The post by THUG_LUV is obviously an attempt to recover for his error i posting his true feelings about males and how much he loves cock. He attempts to distract the people of TK by telling a fable about how he slapped a homo around whilst insulting the same. This act of desperation means he could be brother to our own TAMAR_GARISH who used the same tactics.
SaintLucifer said:
Of course you would seek my lessers. You fear me. You do not fear them. As well you should fear me. I tore TAMAR a new asshole. I tore you a new one also. Now sit down and shut the fuck up bitch.

Say what asshole????? *Jillian spits on the ground*
RWC said:
It's ok. I saw you were still here reading my words. Come back to them later and talk some more about your penis, fags, and pwnership whenever you're ready. Then put me back on "ignore" while everyone laughs at you. Too bad you're not smart enough to adapt; I can only make you funny so many times.

You only went on my IGNORE when you spammed. That is the only time I ever put anyone on ignore. I did the very same to MESSEDUP.

I was reading your words?? Uh, I am stuck here in DAYCARE. You are not. So who is reading whose words?? You are a complete and utter moron. The mere fact you are here in MY forum proves it is you who people laugh at. I can drag you into here. That is true POWER. You cannot do the same.

By the way, I miss being called SAMIR. *ROTFLMAO* It was hilarious.
FederalAgent007 said:
Say what asshole????? *Jillian spits on the ground*

You read it bitch. You know what it says. If not, scroll back and read it again or must I type it all out again?? You can read English can you not bitch? Now my cock is hungry. Get down upon your knees and start sucking. Don't forget your knee pads. You will be down there for quite some time.

*the great SAINTLUCIFER spits green and yellow phlegm all over JILLIAN's face*
SaintLucifer said:
The mere fact you are here in MY forum proves it is you who people laugh at. I can drag you into here. That is true POWER. You cannot do the same.

Anything like that time I started a forum that amassed 27 users with over 400 articles in 24 hours, including you, and you came back here and cried about being forced to take the user name "Lulu"? ;)

Thanks again for being my bitch.
I retract my statement. That wasn't "true power", that was little more than relying on your infinite predictability. But not the part about where I said "I can only make you funny so many times". That much is true. Never the less, thanks again, bitch.
RWC said:
Anything like that time I started a forum that amassed 27 users with over 400 articles in 24 hours, including you, and you came back here and cried about being forced to take the user name "Lulu"? ;)

Thanks again for being my bitch.

We all knew it was a TK'er. You know that too. Strange how you gave yourself away by using my own decoy e-mail as a user ID. That VERIFIED something I already know.

How is it 'crying' when I laughed about it when I posted it? YOu then challenged me to entire the same site with the name 'LULU'. Stupid you did not think I had the 'balls' to do it. What I find most interesting is how you were dumb enough to start a thread about how much of an idiot you thought I was. In response, I tore you to shreds and you know it. Everyone who saw the thread knows it. Ironically enough, you never responded to that very same post. You all but disappeared. Suddenly, I was banned. Again. Only this time you created the ban so that you could mess with the username. As a result, I entered YOUR site using a username YOU created and proceeded to rip you another asshole. It was under this name that I discovered the post where I tore you apart as SaintLucifer was missing. EVERYONE noticed this. Why not tell the others why you removed the post? What is it you are hiding? Why are you afraid? You then also banned the 'LULU' user. You do realise I forced you to ban a user YOU created yes? Therefore you in effect banned yourself. As far as I was concerned, SaintLucifer no longer existed on that site. It was as good as dead that ID. So I managed to PWN you with your own ID. I wish to ask, why were the majority of LULU's posts deleted?? Once again you had something to hide. You mean to tell me I forced you to delete posts created by a user that YOU created?? I would call that the ULTIMATE TROLL.

I am also aware that you read my posts whereupon I stated that I KNEW it was someone from TK that created the site but that I failed to care and continued posting. Shit. EVERYONE knew but they did not care either. You actually did them a FAVOUR. They were REFUGEES. You provided them with a forum in which they may post without the need to bother with TK. Once again you PWNED only yourself because in an attempt to troll the members of TROLLWARS who were at the time refugees without a home, you did exactly the opposite. You gave them refuge. You gave them the opportunity to regroup. Now that is stupidity in its grandest form. Where you sought to TROLL an entire group, you ended up only assisting them in their time of need. Myself, I did not give a fuck one way or the other as it was by far the fastest forum site I had ever visited. It was good for me and my typing speed.

Now please give up your attempts at trying to look good. I grow bored. Everyone from TROLL WARS knows what happened. When we were in the other temporary location, they were all laughing at you and how I had made you look like a complete idiot by still posting under a name YOU created AND ripping you a new one. They thought it was the funniest thing they had ever seen. There was much talk about all of my posts you had deleted, especially the famous one where I destroyed you severely and to which you had no response but instead banned me immediately. To this day I am very proud of that post. I should have kept a copy of it.
RWC said:
Do you prefer "gay" or "down low"?

Regretting the post are you not? Looking rather stupid now yes? Just as you regretted making that post on your very own site. Imagine that? Trashed by your worst enemy who travelled to YOUR SITE under an ID YOU CREATED. Must truly suck being you right now. Damn. I almost feel for you. Gets you right there. Ho hum.
You're just not very smart. Consider me pointing and laughing... again. Poor stupid. No matter how much you struggle in your efforts for freshness we'll never be equals; you'll always have to settle for being my bitch. Poor Samir.
RWC said:
You're just not very smart. Consider me pointing and laughing... again. Poor stupid. No matter how much you struggle in your efforts for freshness we'll never be equals; you'll always have to settle for being my bitch. Poor Samir.

Funny. I backed up my facts. You have not backed up your claims. Shall we round up all of the TW'ers and ask them what really happened? They saw the entire episode unfold. They were completely in awe of me afterwards.

Excellent! Using the 'SAMIR' name. I rather like that. You did exactly as I told you to do. Once again you are my bitch.