Tisi, Will you TK marry me?

I Love Cunt

Watch It
If you say no, I will understand and just chock it up to you turning a new leaf. If you say yes, I will be the happiest luckiest TK chick here. Oh and I will make a terrible wife. I'm just sayin. Perhaps we can get Henoch in on this too?

The Question

o_O Evil wench! Now I must fold you both into the massive shadow of my mighty peenus! :pissed:


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Yes, yes, A THOUSAND TIMES YES, LC!!!!!!!!!


Can I have Ops?
My chance has gone...

I think I blew it earlier with all my teasing on the leaf thing to be honest.


Elder Statesman
I'll volunteer to be the wedding photographer.

And the honeymoon photographer too.


Elder Statesman
BTW, I thought you were both signed up for the harem?
Yes, yes, A THOUSAND TIMES YES, LC!!!!!!!!!

Are you sure you don't need time to think it over?

What exactly is involved in a TK marriage? Will an Admin/Moderator conduct the ceremony to make it TK legal? Can you later adopt another TK poster? Will i be able to use my TK credits to buy wedding gifts??



I want to smell dark matter


Elder Statesman
Would you like to be? (evil grin)


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Hmmm...I'll have to think about that. ;)

I Love Cunt

Watch It
Oh My Gosh this is great!
You will not be disapointed Tisi!



The One The Many
If you say no, I will understand and just chock it up to you turning a new leaf. If you say yes, I will be the happiest luckiest TK chick here. Oh and I will make a terrible wife. I'm just sayin. Perhaps we can get Henoch in on this too?

You will not make a terrible wife. You would make a great wife. You shouldn't be marrying this other girl though, you should be marrying me Love Child.

The Question

Lame character dual is lame. And as someone who specializes in lame character duals, I should know.


Let's fuck some shit up
Best wishes to the brides. Enjoy your lesbian bliss. All that I ask is that you let me watch the consummation of the wedding.