

I'm 3 eps until the end of Season 2 of True Blood and with that in mind, I've got to tell you something.

Eric is a dick. A total and utter douche. Sookie oughta stake that bitch.


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moral imperfection
I'm 3 eps until the end of Season 2 of True Blood and with that in mind, I've got to tell you something.

Eric is a dick. A total and utter douche. Sookie oughta stake that bitch.

This. Means. War!!!!
lol, not really. He's a vampire. A manly one. Not like that Bill douche. Besides, a lot of us women happen to like dicks, so there :p


Elitist Redheaded Trollop

Bill's a pussy!!! Women want men who treat them like shit, Yubs. DUH! ;)


I want to smell dark matter
do they


Let's fuck some shit up
Yeah, they do Wacky. Treat a girl like she's gold and she'll ignore you. Treat a woman like she's a useless whore and they'll bend over backwards to lick your penis.



I don't think that would work on my wife, somehow.... She can be mean when you piss her off.

Bill is no pussy. Bill is awesome. After all, he has Sookie and Eric doesn't.

Eric looks weird when he smiles.

All said and done thought, I keep watching to see what hilarious shit Lafayette will do next. That boy is gold.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Yeah, they do Wacky. Treat a girl like she's gold and she'll ignore you. Treat a woman like she's a useless whore and they'll bend over backwards to lick your penis.


It's true. I've licked many a man's dick while he called me a filthy whore.


Is this real life?
Bill's a bore with crappy hair.

Eric might be a dick, but he does have a sensitive side, which Sookie seems to bring out in him.

Eric FTW.