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TK Private Messages: They're not really "private"!!!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
People, watch what info you put in your PM's here!! It seems that one of the Admins here is not only logging in and reading people's PRIVATE messages, but this admin is also forwarding your PM's to friends and other people on the board. CYA, people. This is a FACT, no matter what the fucking Admins will claim. I'm waiting for one last piece of absolute proof, and I'll let everybody know.

People you know me, it isn't my style to go all "paranoid jack" on you. It's real, it's happening, and it's FUCKED UP. The Admins can and do access your accounts. Ask Darthsikle, he knows FIRST-HAND.
I'm really not sure how this could occur. The admins don't know your password, so to log in as you they'd have to change it, which you'd notice. I've installed no software that allows admins to browse other's PMs. The only way it could be done is with database access, and I'm the only one with that kind of access and skill. So, I believe you are earnest, but confused or being trolled by someone.
^^Nope. There are THREE people on this board that have been affected by this, and they all know me IRL. I can't say more right now, but I will say that I have logged on TWICE before, and my password didn't work. Then all of the sudden *poof* it worked like 10 minutes later. I am VERY careful about logging off at the end of every session.
Yeah there's a VB hack that allows administrators to read PMs. As for if its installed here I don't know.

It's best that you just assume all PMs sent on the board will at one time or another be read by someone else or posted on the board.
The passwords are encrypted. The admins can change it, but not see it. They'd have to know what your original password was in order to change it back.

Thinking calmly and logically for a moment, if an admin, or any poster, has your password they don't need to change it and change it back in the first place.
^^Yup, I figure that's what happened. It's a shame personal grudges have to sink to the level of invading one's privacy.
There is no PM vb hack installed, and there never was and never will be. If you are determine to believe otherwise, go for it.
You realize PMs can be sent to multiple people, and you would have no idea that was done. Let me prove it. I'll send you (BDM) a PM and copy Grandtheftcow on it. You will have no idea cow got the PM too, never the less he will post the contents here (please cow). You are being trolled, BDM.
Big Dick McGee said:
^^Nope. There are THREE people on this board that have been affected by this, and they all know me IRL. I can't say more right now, but I will say that I have logged on TWICE before, and my password didn't work. Then all of the sudden *poof* it worked like 10 minutes later. I am VERY careful about logging off at the end of every session.

BDM, while I can appreciate your paranoia, Admins DO NOT have any access to your password. We can reset a password, but there'd be no way to then re-set it to the original password because WE DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS.

My guess, is there was a glitch in logging in, and then 10 minutes later there wasn't. OR maybe you mistyped your password. Ockham's Razor, the easiest answer is usually the right one. Not as exciting as Admin abuse, but still the only answer that makes any sense given the software.

Whatever happened, it most certainly was not admins resetting passwords and then psychically putting them back to the original. PASSWORDS ARE ENCRYPTED. Look it up.

Beyond that, Hambil is correct, only he has access to the database.
Hambil said:
The passwords are encrypted. The admins can change it, but not see it. They'd have to know what your original password was in order to change it back.

Thinking calmly and logically for a moment, if an admin, or any poster, has your password they don't need to change it and change it back in the first place.

I dunno what to think Hambil. I can't go into the specifics, but some of what people THINK is my personal info has shown up here, and the only conclusion I can come up with is that someone got my PMs or got my Yahoo e-mail.
Big Dick McGee said:
^^Yup, I figure that's what happened. It's a shame personal grudges have to sink to the level of invading one's privacy.

This is either a really stupid troll honey, or your leg is being pulled in a MAJOR way. Either way, we've answerd you and now I'm off to have some fun.
Hambil said:
The passwords are encrypted. The admins can change it, but not see it. They'd have to know what your original password was in order to change it back.

Thinking calmly and logically for a moment, if an admin, or any poster, has your password they don't need to change it and change it back in the first place.

Bingo! If you need the password to change the e-mail in order to get the password there is no way It could happen unless the account is never used again.
Another thing to be careful of with PMs is not using the exact name of the person you are sending to. Type in BDM, or Sardy, and you have no idea who actually owns that dual. Plus, with the 'autocomplete' dropdown it's even easier to make a mistake.
I always assume anything I type online can be used against me. That includes PMs. So I try to be careful in what I say, knowing that other eyes might be reading it.
^ That reminds me. Did you delete that PM I sent about the plot to induce paranoia at TK and overthrow the site?