The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Please tell me someone else saw their live Monday broadcast and loved it as much as I did...

It was a total nostalgia trip seeing Bischoff and Hall and the rest, I felt like it was the 90's all over again.

And what does Vince have to offer? Bringing Brett Hart back after 12 ywears just to make him look like a chump again? fuck that



Retired Account
tna reeks of pissed pants and public urinals


Retired Account

truth hurts they all stink like ferret piss


I want to smell dark matter
You do realise the Vince/Bret angle is setting up a long term storyline? It's not like Vince kicked him in the balls for real just to make Bret look bad or something.

And what good is a nostalgia trip week after week? Of course TNA can get washed up sad old man like Ric Flair and Mick Foley to come out every week and piss over their legacy, but they've got nothing to offer in the longterm...well, maybe they something to offer compared to the likes of Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Val Fucking Venis (seriously?), Orlando Jordan (SERIOUSLY?) and Hogan ("I've been in the back all day!" RIGHT AFTER WE SAW HE JUST ARRIVED IN A LIMO.)

RAW's mostly a bag of boring fomulaic shite every week, but at least it doesn't make me vomit blood like TNA.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
^You're just mad because AJ Styles is better than John Morrison.

SERIOUSLY: Fucking SHAMUS is the champ now? If ANYONE could make Cena look good by comparison...


Retired Account
i dont know any of those names^

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
PLUS: unlike WWE, TNA doesn't spend half their show focused on fat male strippers and DX playing with midgets.


I want to smell dark matter
You didn't mention TNA's actual good wrestlers, only the "greatness" of the nostalgia trip. I have voiced disapproval of Shameus in the past. But TNA is such total Vince Russo shit that I can't watch it without getting a headache (other than the woman's matches.)

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
As a total package, TNA more entertaining. I care more about their talent (past their prime or not), I enjoy the format more, and I'm eagerly waiting to see if they CAN pose a major threat for the WWE.

I prefered WCW back in the day as well, the only reason I started watching WWE was because they'd already bought WCW by the time I started watching wrestling again.

There's nothing wrong with WWE's focus on "sports entertainment" over "rasslin" in of itself, but for MY money, I'd rather watch Hogan's old ass over The Great Khali calling Eddie Guerro's widow a cow ANY DAY.


I want to smell dark matter
The Great Khali would never say that.


I want to smell dark matter
I would have skipped that.

The CM Punk section was good though.


Retired Account
TNA is dead too me. bring back smackdown vs raw.

bring back the big bossman
bring back something just bury TNA


Retired Account
dig the lazy cunt up quicksmart.


I came for the cookies
yeahhhdude tna was great man

wwe made shaemus champ so that bitchs woulnt talk about cena so much


Retired Account
tna is the biggest jar of weak sauce ever.


about TNA being weak sauce, compared to CURRENT wwe content, they were pretty good. They could've polished it up a bit, but at least they're trying. It'll get better, and better, hopefully that'll get WWE to FNALLY step it up and make Gail kim flash at a random ppv and have her change her name to Ms Kitty.

The Bret Hart angle needs to be MORE developed, what I liked about Hogan coming is everyone said ohoho he's just going to be putting himself over. He's feuding with JEFF JARRETT, do you really think they'll sell Double J down the river?


Retired Account
about TNA being weak sauce, compared to CURRENT wwe content, they were pretty good.

yeah but u are comparing a tub of shit to a tub of shit.