
a tub ofshit followed by hamada is better than just a tub of shit :)


beer, I want beer
I haven't watched wrestling since the height of the monday night wars, but I will say this:

Nostalgia is good for a cheap pop, but you can't rely on it forever. That goes for any federation, be it a hobbling Hogan or a Drooling Hitman.

Second, wrestling can ONLY benefit from head-to-head competition. When WCW and WWE were competing, both shows put on their best stuff, and we were treated to PPV caliber entertainment week after week. The worst thing that Vince ever did to himself was buy out the competition. And he knows it.

If they want to really satisfy the wrestling fans, they'll drag Russo AND Bischoff out to the ring next week, and shoot them both.


I want to smell dark matter
Okay, I watch a bit today...Bischoff was talking to someone backstage telling them to "shorten this segment"...and there was talk of him having "torn up the schedule" as if that meant the matches were now "real" and the results unpredictable...this is an actual part of the SHOW, mind.

Seriously, they need to move away from that shit. It would be like Patrick Stewart standing up during TNG and saying "THIS IS JUST A TV SHOW AND NOT REAL YOU STUPID NERDS LOL!"


Retired Account

Shawn Michaels

I came for the cookies
I agree with that Seph that was a good one, and Hollywood COME ON! WWE has always been better than TNA I'd rather watch smackdown than impact, fucking fat chicks always win anyway(angle's a fat chick).


Okay, I watch a bit today...Bischoff was talking to someone backstage telling them to "shorten this segment"...and there was talk of him having "torn up the schedule" as if that meant the matches were now "real" and the results unpredictable...this is an actual part of the SHOW, mind.

Seriously, they need to move away from that shit. It would be like Patrick Stewart standing up during TNG and saying "THIS IS JUST A TV SHOW AND NOT REAL YOU STUPID NERDS LOL!"

That whole process of protending it was real, was the beginning of the end for WCW. That and the constant 'swerving' of the audience were two of Bischoff's favourite methods.


I want to smell dark matter
I remember a match in WCW where Goldberg ran away because he was "booked" to do the "job". The audience just sat there confused or booing.


Retired Account
lol weak sauce


U mad 'bro?
I was flipping between the two.
I like TNAs potential better, WWE needs new writers,
but TNA also needs a hell of a lot more practice in timing and story choreography.
During the opening cage match, I saw guys climb the wall, and PAUSE there until the other guy climbed up after to pull him down.
And The Eric Bishoff Show, rehashing old story lines like Sting in the Rafters.
While it's cool to reminisce, it should not be a part of a "new direction".

I do like watching the seasoned guys in both shoes, and the Divas are hot and half the Knockouts are hot.

Both shows need better story.
TNA is just as good, with an excellent depth of a rouster, just isn't as extravagant.


if you wnna watch it LIVE go to and type "WWE" or "TNA", whatever is on and youj'll get lots of live links!


U mad 'bro?
if you wnna watch it LIVE go to and type "WWE" or "TNA", whatever is on and youj'll get lots of live links!

And get cut off and WWE tracks the feeds and cuts them every 5 seconds?


so far that's only happened once, and only the obvious channel was cut off (liveandraw) the other ones are pretty good!