To Breed Or Not To Breed


It is a decision I need to make over the course of the next few years. I'm not much of a kid person but I feel a genetic obligation to pass on my and my spouse's gifted DNA. But an eighteen-year commitment or more seems distasteful. On the other hand anything less would be the result of tragic circumstances. It would truly be a sin to let my significant other's genetic combinations pass into nothingness. And I have a body designed for baby-making so that's not a problem, but afterwards I'll most likely lose it forever. I wish I had another ten or twenty years to mull it over. And while I have no desire to take care of a child or teenager my husband said he's willing to take on the responsibility of being more of a domestic engineer while I become more of a breadwinner. I'm not interested in babys but I really hate to let all of our great DNA go to waste. And my poor cat, will she attack the baby?


You're just mad that my superior genetics beat you at Amazon Quest.



U mad 'bro?
So, you are WillZenith?

And I just haven't tried to beat it yet.
I beat the last high score purely on the first two levels.
It gets boring after a while.


I love you
I'll have the kid for you. Better yet, I'll come be your live in nanny. This will work, I promise you. Oh wait, can I have a life too? What if I decide I want a life? Will there be some sort of contract?

Hmmmmm how could you preserve this wonderful DNA of yours and his? *Thinks*
Believe it or not, the "Pass these genes along" was one of the factors in pix and I deciding to breed.
The CHANGES to your life are shattering. This can be good or bad, with us it's a wash, actually. However, we have an EXTREMELY bright and very physically impressive boy (not just father's pride here), and even with this great kid, it is a strain. That's not the "Parrentally correct" statement, but it's the truth. If my son was anything less, I think we'd have both gone insane.
As for your body, you can get it back if you are disciplined (pix is 10 lbs UNDER her pre-pregnancy weight at this point).

Being slightly selfish is actually a good thing for your sanity, and will teach your child to be a bit more of his/her own person (IMHO).

As for the live-in nanny, we ALMOST did that (she'd have been a nanny for him/lover for us both) but in the end we decided that the added complication of a third in the relationship with so many other new factors out-weighed the potential gain of a third parental figure. We've occasionally regretted that decision.

One other note: the BEST sex is when you are really, actually TRYING to make a baby. Something about "We are not just having a good time, but we are creating a new life!" is really wonderful.



I'm not wearing any panties!!
Eh, the genetics thing isn't a huge factor for me. Yes, I plan on having a few biological children, but I also plan on adopting (I want a big family).

I just freakin love kids.

Unfortunantly, we're gonna have to wait a while. Yeah, both of us doing better financially than ever before, but I want to be really set before we throw kids into the mix. Also I want just a good 4-5 years of marriage under out belt first.


Pickle, I'd want the kid in many respects, it is the taking care of it/dealing with it part I'm not committed to. I know it is not a lightly-made decision and no kid of mine will ever hear any sort of "I didn't want you" garbage in my household. No "accidents."

Mirah, I will consider it. Please keep in mind my household often runs in a similar fashion to SB's, where the husband's decisions are first and foremost. Fortunately he is so passive you'd acquiese to his few assertions out of shock. (NOT SEXUAL)

SB, I want more details about these dramatic changes to your life. The unexpected ones, please. One of the reasons I've never wanted to have kids was because I remember my own childhood and have no desire to be the parent in any of those memories. Not because my childhood was unpleasant (it was actually quite fortunate) but because it seems like a lot of effort, physically as well as psychologically.

Anc, how financially set would you like to be before procreating? I'd like to own a house, myself. But if it came down to it and time became a factor, how broke would you two allow yourselves to be and still plan on having kids?


I'm not wearing any panties!!
Anc, how financially set would you like to be before procreating? I'd like to own a house, myself.

I would like to own one home outright (shouldn't be too hard in 3 or 4 years if we do it right). I'd also like to have a stable hopefully government (Foreign Service) job lined up after I ETS (get out of the Army). I'd like for Anne to have used the extra time and money during a deployment to go back to school, and so be in a better position for employment.

But if it came down to it and time became a factor, how broke would you two allow yourselves to be and still plan on having kids?

That's kinda hard for me to figure out. B/c the fact is that while I am pretty fiercely financially independent, I'd go to my parents in a heartbeat for my kids. They've told me before no matter what their grandkids won't ever need for anything (topic was how much I needed to start setting aside for college).


Gonad, with all due respect, you'd be better off just selling your eggs if all you're looking for is to hand down DNA.
SB, I want more details about these dramatic changes to your life. The unexpected ones, please. One of the reasons I've never wanted to have kids was because I remember my own childhood and have no desire to be the parent in any of those memories. Not because my childhood was unpleasant (it was actually quite fortunate) but because it seems like a lot of effort, physically as well as psychologically.

Unexpected changes:
Social life changed, not just in the naughty aspects. You "gain" a new social circle, new families. I have NEVER in my entire life found a more passive-aggressive competitive group in my entire life. Jealousy, female "nice fighting", and constant comparisons between children of roughly the same age with regard to "milestones". Doesn't matter if your child is ahead or behind, it's bad either way. The sad thing is that it is difficult to get rid of these people as one has a lot of pressure to "socialize" your children and have them exposed to kids their own age.

Physical changes: pix worked very hard to get her body back into "dancing shape" again. She breast-fed, so there has been a major "redistribution" of how they are now. Not bad, IMHO, but very different. She's also been unable to get her stomach completely flat (C-section might have had something to do with it). This has made her very unhappy. To me, it's a "new wife", a new playground. However, she's not happy with the changes. She also believes it's affected the resiliency of her skin. To my eye, however, she's close to the same, only skinnier as she went below her normal weight in an attempt to flatten her belly. We may do a "mommy tuck" for her vanity. We'll see.

Lack of bonding:
I did NOT bond with my son immediately. Neither did pix. And the entire "new mom's" group is going on and on with how they are so closely bound to their children. We thought there was something wrong with us. Honestly, he was a chore for the first six months. We talked to him, held him, cuddled, fed, cleaned him...but my overwhelming emotion was mild annoyance and outright hostility when the sleep deprivation got too bad. HOWEVER, once he started to talk, a personality emerged, and the bonding process started. Now I can honestly say he means the world to me, but it wasn't an instant, "Put him in my arms and I love him" type thing. He keeps getting more interesting as his vocabulary/actions gain in sophistication. Give him another year and I'll start to teach him how to pick up girls.

Sex life:
Declined for about 6 months. Sleep deprivation was probably the main cause. Breasts were off limits (that's just us, some people think that a nursing woman is a turn-on, we just found it messy). Then it recovered once his sleeping patterns semi-stablized. D/s is "quiet", no impact play, and bondage is all "light" as I may have to get her free quickly. Heavy play is reserved for out of the house. We also used to be able to dress for events/parties and just throw a cloak or coat over the fetish-gear. Now with a sitter, we have to lug additional bags to change at the event.
Also under sex life: pix seems to be even more irresistible to women than she was before. We have no idea why.
Last note: "creation sex" was incredible. We'd give it a week's rest before "ovulation day", then WHEEEEE!!!!!! I had not seen pix that passionate (and she's passionate by nature) since our honeymoon.

I hope this helps...seriously if you are wondering "if" you want children, then you will be unhappy for about a year and then things will adjust and become "normal" again. But be prepared for an unhappy year.



Let's fuck some shit up
Besides, pets are easier than kids, 'cause, if you screw up with the pet, you can just go buy a new one. If you screw up with the kid, you can't take it back to the pound.