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RIP 1970~2018
So in light or the mountains of intolerance available on any number of boards at any given moment, I thought I might try to start a thread about tolerance.

Are you tolerant of other lifestyles? Are you against racism? Do you treat or view homosexuals as equals? How about religion? Are you tolerant of others right to worship as they see fit?

How did you come to be tolerant? Were you taught? Did you come to some understanding on your own? Have you always been tolerant or have you changed from intolerant for some reason?

Does your tolerance have limits you'd be willing to share and explain?

Feel free to adjust the terminology to suit your re'

Tolerance is for pussies who don't have enough confidence in their own beliefs to form a coherent thought without divulging into a morass of relativisms. Why should I tolerate other people's beliefs/opinions/lifestyles/eating habits when I know mine are right and theirs are wrong???

One of the fundamental truths of the universe that I perscribe to is that people should keep the fuck to themselves. Thus I won't bother you with my facts unprovoked. Start blabbering about your idiotic ideas, then I'll tell you why you suck. I also won't go around killing everyone who is wrong because I'm a pussy.
Tolerance is for pussies who don't have enough confidence in their own beliefs to form a coherent thought without divulging into a morass of relativisms. Why should I tolerate other people's beliefs/opinions/lifestyles/eating habits when I know mine are right and theirs are wrong???

One of the fundamental truths of the universe that I perscribe to is that people should keep the fuck to themselves. Thus I won't bother you with my facts unprovoked. Start blabbering about your idiotic ideas, then I'll tell you why you suck. I also won't go around killing everyone who is wrong because I'm a pussy.

Do you see a difference between accepting and tolerating?
The other day I saw a quote via twitter that I enjoyed very much and thought was right on the money:

"Ethical discipline is the indispensible means for mediating between the competing claims of my right to happiness and others' equal right."

That was the Dalai Lama if you needed him. Somewhat apropos of the subject I think.
Tolerance is for pussies who don't have enough confidence in their own beliefs to form a coherent thought without divulging into a morass of relativisms. Why should I tolerate other people's beliefs/opinions/lifestyles/eating habits when I know mine are right and theirs are wrong???

One of the fundamental truths of the universe that I perscribe to is that people should keep the fuck to themselves. Thus I won't bother you with my facts unprovoked. Start blabbering about your idiotic ideas, then I'll tell you why you suck. I also won't go around killing everyone who is wrong because I'm a pussy.

Suppose you are one of the individuals directly negatively affected by a set of beliefs that you find wrong. Would you still be offended if I, while being unaffected by those wrong beliefs, still find your persecution enough of a reason to speak up? Like if you were one of the many people being held right now for marijuana violations even as it is legalized in many states?
Just for fun I thought I'd toss these in. Here are the first three definitions from Websters-



1. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry.
2. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own.
3. interest in and concern for ideas, opinions, practices, etc., foreign to one's own; a liberal, undogmatic viewpoint.
I am semi-tolerant of others.

However, I also am judgmental enough to say things like "Even though those baby-eating cannibals who live next door aren't eating MY kids, I still think they should be shot". Some people, by their nature it seems, PUSH those around them for the hell of it. Sooner or later, there will be conflict.

Let me take homosexuality as an example. I personally don't have an issue with it, I've been been propositioned and it doesn't freak me out (I'm usually flattered, actually). However, it's really not my business any more than me being straight is theirs. If you run around the street in chaps and a huge sign saying "I'm QUEER, and YOU have to be OK with it!", that's just asking for trouble. The activist isn't going to convert people by being confrontational. The activist will probably "win" their cause by being a decent person that others want to be around and get to know, and oh by the way, they're gay too. THAT will build tolerance because it's not threatening.

I am intolerant of extremes, and perceived danger. However, I also know that snap-judgments are usually wrong, and that they are ethically and morally questionable. So I have to know the person/group a little before I really decide that I either don't want to associate with them, or I start planning on how to get the ATF to raid their house.
Suppose you are one of the individuals directly negatively affected by a set of beliefs that you find wrong. Would you still be offended if I, while being unaffected by those wrong beliefs, still find your persecution enough of a reason to speak up? Like if you were one of the many people being held right now for marijuana violations even as it is legalized in many states?

As long as you leave me out of your protesting you can say whatever you want. I know how to turn off the TV and not read bs on the internets.

There will always be things you disagree with that affect you negatively. That is life. It will never change. If you potheads ever do manage to legalize it, you will quickly find something else illegal to obsess over.

Now, I do not approve of drug prohibition, but hold no sympathy for stoners in legal trouble. Marijuana is not legal. Anywhere. At best it is approved for medical use, but literally no one actually uses it that way, and you and your buddies certainly don't. Furthermore the Feds don't give a shit about states rights and neither do the tolerant liberals who complain whenever they get in the way your drugs and gay marriages.

Also, I might care more about your causes if they were not so stupid. Weak drugs and state sanctioned butt sex, srsly guys get over it.
As long as you leave me out of your protesting you can say whatever you want. I know how to turn off the TV and not read bs on the internets.

There will always be things you disagree with that affect you negatively. That is life. It will never change. If you potheads ever do manage to legalize it, you will quickly find something else illegal to obsess over.

Now, I do not approve of drug prohibition, but hold no sympathy for stoners in legal trouble. Marijuana is not legal. Anywhere. At best it is approved for medical use, but literally no one actually uses it that way, and you and your buddies certainly don't. Furthermore the Feds don't give a shit about states rights and neither do the tolerant liberals who complain whenever they get in the way your drugs and gay marriages.

Also, I might care more about your causes if they were not so stupid. Weak drugs and state sanctioned butt sex, srsly guys get over it.

So if I want to take a bong hit then suck a cock while we hold hands, we're not going to get along?
Tolerance used in this sense, opposed to drug/substance tollerance; is fucking disgusting.

If people have to 'tolerate' others, they need cant pple own their emotions and felings anymore?
So in light or the mountains of intolerance available on any number of boards at any given moment, I thought I might try to start a thread about tolerance.

Are you tolerant of other lifestyles? Are you against racism? Do you treat or view homosexuals as equals? How about religion? Are you tolerant of others right to worship as they see fit?

How did you come to be tolerant? Were you taught? Did you come to some understanding on your own? Have you always been tolerant or have you changed from intolerant for some reason?

Does your tolerance have limits you'd be willing to share and explain?

Feel free to adjust the terminology to suit your re'


No. Shut the fuck up.
No. Shut the fuck up.

You do realize Sarek, that your re. could be construed as somewhat intolerant?

Believe me, I'd like nothing more then to shut the fuck up but I'm trying to help build this forum. Because that's what good folks do.

Now, how did you come to be so tolerant? Mom and Dad? Some life experience? Pray tell...
You do realize Sarek, that your re. could be construed as somewhat intolerant?

Wow. Newsflash!

And the proper form of that sentence should have been "You do realize Sarek, that you could be construed as somewhat intolerant?"
Wow. Newsflash!

And the proper form of that sentence should have been "You do realize Sarek, that you could be construed as somewhat intolerant?"

Well, sometimes I care about proper form and sometimes I don't. What you and I have going here is more of an emotional thang and as such, not necessarily subject to form. Wouldn't you agree?

Nope. I refuse to believe that you are intolerant. But I do think you re. may have been just the slightest bit not totally accepting.

So anyway, how'd you get so laid back and easy going.

Nah. We both know I'm just fucking around. If you don't want to get into the tolerant/intolerant thing, I'm cool with that.
It takes 3 generations to really loose a prejudice.

Generation 1 acknowledges it's not nice, but still believes it, however they go to the effort to be polite toward the other group they are prejudiced against. They don't actively teach their children to hate the other group.

Generation 2 is still prejudiced, but they are ashamed of it. They actively teach their children to be tolerant. The slurs and other activities are suppressed.

Generation 3 finally doesn't care. They don't even "see" the difference until they are in their late childhood or teen years when social factors in the behavior can start to influence any bias they may form. It's not "instinctive", however. Generation 3 and onward will probably inter-marry with the prejudiced against group without it being a defiance or other "externally motivated" reason.

I.e. my grandparents would try not to go out of their way to state their prejudices, but they wouldn't invite 'em to dinner. My parents never used the slurs (when sober, my Dad would slip when he was drunk), and we had "other" group friends over.

I don't care. My son doesn't care. We don't have to bother with it. In any group there will be about 30% you really like, 60% you can get along with, and 10% who are assholes. What they look like doesn't seem to affect this ratio much.

Please explain your own view on tolerance.

Is it the kind of tolerance for the things you like, agree with and approve of but intolerant of the things you don't like, agree with and approve of?
Please explain your own view on tolerance.

Is it the kind of tolerance for the things you like, agree with and approve of but intolerant of the things you don't like, agree with and approve of?

Well, since I suspect you're just hounding me and don't really give a shit what my answer would be, how about you first...