Tomorrow (Monday) is "start three good threads in the Mine Field" day

Yeah, I bust a gut making a picture of a fat William Shatner (... okay, it wasn't so difficult) so I could later open a thread about entering said picture in a competition!
I tried,d oin't know either...I could post one about female celebrities (but not Natalie, Michelle, Anna, Emma or Scarlett, they've been done), that would be original, if anyone has any requets...requests I would ignore if I didn't like them...fdljnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhirlgirsl
It's a holiday week in America, I'm all stressed trying to get ready to leave town (plus I won't be online as much this week starting Thursday since I'll be traveling/visiting) BUT I'LL STILL TRY AND THINK OF THINGS.
I started two lame threads, but it's better than the 0 threads I started last Monday.