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Tom's Treks: The Case of the Hidden Kitten

Episode 12- "I may just eat that kitten"

Two days later...

Detective Tomtrek had snuck into Mayor Mayo's fund raising event. His disguise had been clever, he had gone as himself. Knowing Big Dutchman would never think anybody could be so bold.

"And so I said to him, MY DUCK IS YOUR DUCK!" said Mayor Mayo.

Tomtrek walked around keeping an eye on the mayor, knowing Big Dutchman would soon be there, at the mayors table.

Soon as the dinner bell rang, he appeared. One man had now shown up and Tomtrek took his seat.

Big Dutchman was saying as he looked at his meal "I personaly cant stand Michele Teachtenberg, thank god you didnt invite him here, Yeah I said it"

Tomtrek filled with rage, but kept cool, like a cool cat'

As the party broke up, Big Dutchman remined.

"You will pay for those remarks and for stealing a kitten from a nice pale girl" said Tomtrek suddenly

"You must be that pesky Detective Tomtrek! HA Sir! She had it coming and will pay me $500,000 and QUIT ACTING FOREVER!" said Big Dutchman

"Like hell!" Said Tomtrek

"If she dosen't pay, I may just eat that kitten!" said Big Dutchman

Tomtrek jumped up and pointed a gun at Big Dutchman "You're under civilian arrest!" he said

"LIKE HELL! The Big Dutchman pulled out a grappling hook gun fired it though the beautiful skylight and escaped"

"You will pay for this Big Dutchman... you will pay!" said Detective Tomtrek

To be continued...
Episode 13- "Let's roll!"

"I WILL GET HIM" shouted Tomtrek as he slammed his hand on the bar.

"My sources are trying to find out where he is" said Cassie

Tomtrek has returned to The Dark Jupiter after the encounter with The Big Dutchman at Redwood Hall.

"I know Cassie... I know" said Tomtrek

The door to the bar opend and a man walked in.

"I need some gin" he said

"Coming right up" said Cassie

The man walked up to the bar.

"DOCTOR DAVE!" said Cassie


Tomtrek knocked back another whiskey.

"I come with news, news of where The Big Dutchman has gone." said Doctor Dave

"WHERE?!" asked Tomtrek in suprise.

"He's gone to...Austria." replied Doctor Dave

"Then that's where I'm going" said Tomtrek grabbing his hat.

"You should wait till morning, when there are plains." said Cassie

"Or we could just use my zeppelin" said Zeppelin Pilot Fuddlemiff

"LETS ROLL!" said CaptainWacky who rushed into the bar.

To be continued...
Episode 14-"Vienna here we come!"

"Vienna here we come" shouted Cassie

The zeppelin was now leaving New York for Vienna,Austria. They had picked the city because Dr Dave had always wanted to egg Sigmund Freud's apartment and well nobody really knew any other places in Austria.

"Who did you leave in charge of the bar Cassie" asked Detective Tomtrek

"headvoid!" Said Cassie excitedly.

"But he's a cad and a half" shouted Tomtrek

"Yeah, but he mixes a mean mint julep!" said Cassie.

10 hours later the zeppelin arrived in Vienna,Austria.

"Hold here will you" said Doctor Dave as they floated above Sigmund Freud's old apartment

"Sure thing" said zeppelin pilot Fuddlemiff

"Are those bricks?" asked Cassie

"Yep!" Said Doctor Dave as he dropped bricks onto the apartment building of Sigmunt Freud.

"So you plan to bomb his place with bricks then egg it?" asked Fuddlemiff

"Yep!" replied Doctor Dave

"We need to get to our base" said Detective Tomtrek

"Right, I've already plotted a course to our hotel" said zeppelin pilot Fuddlemiff


Back at the bar...

"You sure do make a mean mint julep!" said customer Loktar.

"I know!" said bartender headvoid

To be continued...
Episode 15- "He's mine, I'm going to fuck his shit up, damn dutchman!"

After weeks of searching, Detective Tomtrek had located THE BIG DUTCHMAN.

"What are you going to do?" asked Cassie.

The MF gang had gathered in Tomtrek's hotel room to discuss things.

"I'm going to get that kitten back!" said Tomtrek

"Let us help you!" said Cassie

"He's mine, I'm going to fuck his shit up, damn dutchman!" said Tomtrek angerly.

"Where is he anyway" asked Captainwacky

"In the last place we would ever look..." said Doctor Dave

"It makes sense..." said Tomtrek

"WHERE?!" asked Fuddlemiff, who was drinking two cups of tea at once

"City Hall, he's the fucking Mayor of Vienna!" said Doctor Dave

"Time to recall his ass" said Tomtrek as he got up.

"Good luck" said Cassie

"I'll be back, in two shakes of a bent fork!" said Tomtrek

To be continued...
Episode 16- "Go to hell Dutchman!"

Detective Tomtrek entered a whore house. He looked about, somewhere in this building was The Big Dutchman. Something was also wrong here. The Big Dutchman hiding in a whore house was strange.

"I bet this was all a waste of time" Said Tomtrek

"Welcome Tomtrek" said a voice coming from a speaker.

"Big Dutchman..." said Tomtrek

"That's right, come to the basement and meet your DOOM!!!!!" Said The Big Dutchman.

Detective Tomtrek proceeded to the basement. Whither he would meet his doom or bring The Big Dutchman to justice was anybodies guess. It was a flip of the coin really, a roll of the dice.

As he was walked he suddenly felt this feet loose the ground, he had fallen though a trap door, landing in a dark room.

"Ahhh!!!!" said Tomtrek, he was in a dark room.

"Welcome Detective TomFRUMPY!" said The Big Dutchman

"Go to hell Dutchman!" said Detective Tomtrek

"HA." said The Big Dutchman

Suddenly the lights came on. Tomtrek was in a big room. As he turned around he saw The Big Dutchman sitting on a thrown, next to him a kitten was in a cage.

"You..." Said Tomtrek

"SILENCE! Michelle Trachtenberg should have just GIVEN ME WHAT I want... but no, she had to hire some detective... now you are both going to die, one by my gun, the other IN SOUP!" said The Big Dutchman

"You can go right to hell, YOU FILTY FEATHER!" said Tomtrek

"You first" Said The Big Dutchman, suddenly he pulled a gun, but Tomtrek was faster and the Big Dutchman slumped down in his chair, a bullet in his head.

Three days later...

"Thank you Detective Tomtrek" said Michelle Trachtenberg

"All in a day's work" replied Tomtrek

Michelle Trachtenberg walked over to Tomtrek and gave him a kiss, his pay which incuded a guest spot on the show Gossip Girl.

The End.
Episode 16- "Go to hell Dutchman!"

Detective Tomtrek entered a whore house. He looked about, somewhere in this building was The Big Dutchman. Something was also wrong here. The Big Dutchman hiding in a whore house was strange.

"I bet this was all a waste of time" Said Tomtrek

"Welcome Tomtrek" said a voice coming from a speaker.

"Big Dutchman..." said Tomtrek

"That's right, come to the basement and meet your DOOM!!!!!" Said The Big Dutchman.

Detective Tomtrek proceeded to the basement. Whither he would meet his doom or bring The Big Dutchman to justice was anybodies guess. It was a flip of the coin really, a roll of the dice.

As he was walked he suddenly felt this feet loose the ground, he had fallen though a trap door, landing in a dark room.

"Ahhh!!!!" said Tomtrek, he was in a dark room.

"Welcome Detective TomFRUMPY!" said The Big Dutchman

"Go to hell Dutchman!" said Detective Tomtrek

"HA." said The Big Dutchman

Suddenly the lights came on. Tomtrek was in a big room. As he turned around he saw The Big Dutchman sitting on a thrown, next to him a kitten was in a cage.

"You..." Said Tomtrek

"SILENCE! Michelle Trachtenberg should have just GIVEN ME WHAT I want... but no, she had to hire some detective... now you are both going to die, one by my gun, the other IN SOUP!" said The Big Dutchman

"You can go right to hell, YOU FILTY FEATHER!" said Tomtrek

"You first" Said The Big Dutchman, suddenly he pulled a gun, but Tomtrek was faster and the Big Dutchman slumped down in his chair, a bullet in his head.

Three days later...

"Thank you Detective Tomtrek" said Michelle Trachtenberg

"All in a day's work" replied Tomtrek

Michelle Trachtenberg walked over to Tomtrek and gave him a kiss, his pay which incuded a guest spot on the show Gossip Girl.

The End.